Hello community members! I am Sharon, I have been living with Psoriasis and its nasty cousin PsA. I developed the skin condition first when I was 6, after contracting both the measles and chicken pocks at the SAME time, and then shortly afterwards moving away from everything and everyone I knew at that point. It has been a battle of self esteem/medication issues every since. I was put on Enbrel in 2008 for the first time. Been on it several times now, When Otezla and Stelara both failed, along with methotrexate and several others. I will now begin a NEWER biologic called Simponi, it is a once a month injection and am curious if ANYONE has used this and what their stories are. Thank you and I am sending blessings and loves your way <3
Biologics, Pills, Creams, Steroids, NSAIDS, plus laug... - NRAS
Biologics, Pills, Creams, Steroids, NSAIDS, plus laughter, love, frustration and pain. PsA/Psoriasis survivor <3

Lovely photo of you Sharon. I haven't had this drug so i can't comment. Sending hugs as i see you really have been suffering.xxxxx
Hia Sharon, a warm welcome to the group!
If you drop in the word Simponi to this site's database(top right of this page)a lot of user info will be there at your fingertips!
Hope this helps!
Hi Sharon and welcome to the forum. As Deminem says, there is a wealth of information to be had from the database. I don't have psoriasis or PSA but I did want to say hi
Hi Sharon.
I also have PsA but only very slight psoriasis. I have failed on numerous drugs too which can be a real bummer.
I am currently on Cosentyx and hoping it's going to kick in soon and help.
Best wishes x
Hi Sharon, lovely pic. I know a sweet European girl in her late 20s/early 30s who had her RA turned around on Simponi. She started it about three years ago but she's not on here much at the moment but she absolutely sang its praises and it worked for her very quickly. I know her condition is different to yours but she hails it as her wonder med and she is doing very well still on it. I hope it works great for you. 😀 xx