can you take ibuprofen while on methotrexate as I was cutting my hedge in the garden yesterday and I have RA as was having a good day now I’m in pain today in my hand and wrist what else can I use for pain think I’ve overworked myself yesterday I have RA in my knees and hands and wrist and shoulder and feet 🥲
methotrexate : can you take ibuprofen while on... - NRAS

Hi Dexter,
When I started on methotrexate- I was told not to take ibuprofen but to take Paracetamol instead. When I get sore joints I usually have a warm bath and then a nap. It doesn’t always work but it may make you feel a bit better.
I hope you feel better soon.
I take cocodomol every day as a pain killer which means I can’t take more paracetamol if I need more relief. My rheumatologist said I can’t take ibruprofen, but my lung consisuul
Yes, I have been for about 15 years.
yes I take Ibuprofen with Methotrexate - but try to stick to paracetamol as easier on the stomach.
I was told no ibuptofen. I use Tiloket Gel which is very good.I get it on prescription
I was told to take ibuprofen and paracetamol together - on Methotrexate, Hydroxychloroquin and Sulphasalzine.
Ask your rheumy doctors ……nobody on here is qualified to advise what any of us should take. If you can’t gett hold of anyone on your rheumy team, ask your GP or your pharmacist.
You should only ever take advice on any medication from a qualified clinician. …it really is important to remember that.
But well done getting out in your garden….let’s hope we will have a lovely summer & that we can all do just that.
Are you on methotrexate and how to you stay safe in the sun with these tablets
Hi Dexter I believe aged crone told you he she is not on methotrexate you asked the question about the sun and you got lots of answers you can check back on what you asked and the replies
No I am not on Mtx now.
Staying safe in the sun depends very much on how you personally react to the heat.
If you go peuce & feel sick the minute the temperature rises…then stay cool indoors whether or not you are on Mtx.
Whatever you do - stay out of the sun between 11am & 3pm…..then if you do venture out always use a high factor sun lotion, wear a hat or have a sun shade, & don,t just sit & bake & it is really important to make really sure you drink plenty of cool liquid to keep well hydrated.,
But it really is a personal decision…some of us are happier in the sun than others…so like a lot if things, common sense is the main rule.
I was told topical gel ibuprofen was ok with mtx.I normally stuck to paracetamol and codeine though