Not all advice is good advice... ('The Tapping Soluti... - NRAS


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Not all advice is good advice... ('The Tapping Solution')

LadyL0u profile image
19 Replies

A lovely friend of mine sent me a link to a facebook site yesterday as she thought it would be interesting reading for me (as I have RA). Well, yes, it was interesting to an extent, (and I do love my friend for thinking of me), but by the end of the video I had an over-whelming urge to slap the doc who was dishing out the advice!! (and I'm not a violent person!) It's all about the 'Tapping Solution' and yes, in a roundabout way she's stating that we should banish stress from our lives in order to relieve ourselves from pain, in this case by using the 'Tapping Solution'. I do agree that reducing stress can have a dramatic effect with regards to pain, but she also hints at being able to come off meds and riding ourselves of our auto-immune diseases purely by mastering the 'Tapping Solution', and that's the bit which made me angry! Surely if it was that simple, our expert Rheumatologists would all be recommending it to us? I think this technique can do a lot to relieve stress, but to cure an incurable disease is a step too far for me and quite insulting. I thought it was quite dangerous advice to give out? I may be just too cynical, and a bit too harsh, it may have indeed worked for some folk, so thought it would be good to hear of any success stories if you have any? I've attached the link to the FB page if anyone fancies a look.. Her particular piece is dated 25th August "Dr. Kim D'Eramo explains why fighting the disease is NOT the answer."

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LadyL0u profile image
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19 Replies
Ali_H profile image

Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) is a very useful tool to have in your toolbox for psychosomatic problems and anxiety or the 'lesser' mental illnesses such as mild depression but for things like deep depression, schizophrenia or 'curing' autoimmunity issues - nope!!!! A vary dangerous proposition indeed! My RA has a 'stress' component to its level of activity and I use meditation and, for specific stresses that come up I have A couple of times used 'tapping'. Basically the locations for the tapping is proposedly accupressure points associated with relaxation so the affirmations etc are not totally necessary to 'induce' a more relaxed mind - all be it temporarily!

The joys of meaningful friends! 😎

All the best


LadyL0u profile image
LadyL0u in reply to Ali_H

Thanks for your response, pretty much my thoughts too


Damaged profile image
Damaged in reply to Ali_H

These sites, doctors ! and well meaning 'friends', drive me crazy 😜 I call them the magic water group. Oh just walk, eat this diet, drink this water.

I am quite certain the insurance co paying for these drugs would be all over this stuff if it did work.

Just like meditation , if it was all so effective why charge so much to teach it. There are so many scams out there it is ridiculous. They know when suffering chronic pain people become desperate and will try anything to stop the pain. Hopefully karma will ensure they get to feel it first hand. Beware, no end to crooks.

LadyL0u profile image
LadyL0u in reply to Damaged

Yeah, it can be quite frustrating! My friend meant well, I was more annoyed about the doc's advice in her video but I guess we just have to suss out what works for ourselves and take everything with a pinch of salt! :)

Nettac profile image

I can't see how tapping on a few areas makes a difference to anything quite frankly. As for severe trauma and chronic!

It would annoy the heck out of me if a friend directed me to this sight (however well meaning!).

LadyL0u profile image
LadyL0u in reply to Nettac

I'm chuffed my friend thought of me, was more annoyed at some of the suggestions by the doc! I have heard of the tapping thing before, but only with regards to stress and anxiety but don't know of anybody who has personally benefited from it. I'm not sure it's really my kind of thing, but interested to know if it works for others... :)

Kai-- profile image

🙃🔨 Tapping 'in context':

'Rheumatoid Arthritis relief using EFT':


😑 💤 Meditation 'in context':

Meditation, Mindfulness, Movement, Breathing, Relaxation, Stress Reduction . . .:


💃🏻🕺 Movement 'in context':

Gentle Chair Yoga for RA, X-Ray Yoga for Wonderment:


Merely 3 🆓 Stress Relief Methods useful to some of us — not necessarily all of us.


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Kai--

Yes, indeed, LadyL0u, "not all advice is good advice" — especially when it's not applicable to our situation or inaccurately/ inappropriately framed as — placed in the context of — 'a cure' to all our ills. 😳 🤣

Each is merely a 'technique' that helps alleviate symptoms for some — not all. 🤔


🤔 Implementing any single technique (method) for managing symptoms may be ineffective or yield modest results (or may even work well for us).

🤔 Implementing several techniques (hand in hand 🤝 ) over time, may increase the probability of yielding worthwhile results.


As with everything, works for some — not all. 🤔

And, as with so much on the Internet, the information is freely 🆓 available (from reliable/reputable sources) for anyone sincerely interested in exploring & trying things out for themselves. 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


LadyL0u profile image
LadyL0u in reply to Kai--

Thanks Kai. Yeah, it's annoying/frustrating/disturbing when folk claim alternative techniques are able to alleviate all pain/diseases... If they just promote them as a 'useful tool' to help manage certain conditions, it would cause less damage I think - and susceptible folk looking for miracle cures may not part with their dosh. Are you a fan of EFT, does it help you at all? I will have to loosen by cynical 'blinkers' a little and maybe give it a proper go for stress-relieving purposes at some point, but there's no way I would go so far as to put all my faith in it and stop any meds, I hope any vulnerable folk watching her video (the one I posted about) aren't taken in by it, and others like it. :)

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Kai--

[Only the subtlety a 'spanner to the noggin' 🙃🔧 would penetrate my thick skull 💀 . . . 🤣 😆 ☺️ ]

Have used a variety of approaches (other than 'Tapping' ☝️☝️☝️) to manage pain & to improve, so hadn't needed EFT so far. 🙏

Breathing 🌬 , movement 🚶 . . . techniques (under aforementioned Meditation & Movement links 🔗 🔗 ) have proven useful/ stress relieving for me. 👍 🙏



Yet am delighted there's such a variety of techniques freely 🆓 available for so many of us to try (at no cost 🚫💰 ) should they strike our fancy. 🤔

"No harm, no foul," with many of these 'innocuous' techniques. 😊



Always amazes 😮 how some things work for some of us & can be utter tosh 🗑 for others.

Go figure . . . 😯 😳

Complete mystery 🤔 to me as to how & why . . . 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♂️


gwynedd profile image
gwynedd in reply to Kai--

I agree Kai, the one thing that has really helped me cope with the pain has been meditation. I've found it to be an invaluable tool, doesn't "cure" me but it helps my mental state.

@Ladylou I have a few well meaning family members who keep sending me info on how I can make myself better ect.. Their heart is in the right place which is the main thing.

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to gwynedd

Yes, yes, helps "mental state". 👍

Helps 'cope with' pain 😩 , depression 😞 , mourning the way 'things used to be' 😥 . . ,

Ditto for me, gwynedd! 😌 :

Each time a loved one forwarded an 'idea', a 'tip', a 'thought' . . , it warmed ☀️ my heart 💗 immensely — touching me deeply 😌 .

(To know they were 'thinking of me', desiring to help was profoundly moving 😌 😢 ☺️ . . .

How fortunate we are to have such people in our lives who care enough to wish to help!! 🙏 ☺️ Who take time, make effort . . . 🙏 🤗

(At least that's how I perceived any suggestion 'from the ridiculous to the sublime'. It sprouted 🌱 from a place of love 💓 , genuine concern 😌 . And, was acknowledged & profoundly appreciated 🙏 🙏 in reciprocated spirit 👻 of heart-felt love ❤️ 💕. . . )


[Love your profile photo, gwynedd! Made me smile 😁 😊 .]

🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


LadyL0u profile image
LadyL0u in reply to gwynedd

Yes, at least they're thinking of us :)

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Kai--

Agreed, claiming "cure all" IS a red flag 🚩 . 😳 😱

And, should either be avoided 🚫 or approached with caution ⚠️ , careful questioning 🤔❓ , critical thinking 🤔 💭 . . .

Some folks are capable of rational 🤖 , careful, critical thinking 🤔 / reasoning 👽 — others folks, for whatever reasons, simply aren't. 😳

Therefore, no matter capable 🤓 (or incapable 🤤 ) , it always helps to consult with beloved/ trusted family, friends, physicians, forum members 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 . . . to keep our thought process balanced ⚖️ — in check. ✔️

No 1 person 🕴 (institution 🏥 , forum 🗣 , etc.) has "all the answers", so it can be useful to seek out a variety of experiences/ opinions for mulling over in our own noodle 🎃 .

And, to remember they are just that"a variety of experiences & opinions.": 💩 💎 💩 💎 💩 💎 . . .




It's understandable how some 'techniques' — especially when proclaimed to be 'cure alls' ✨ — tip the most reasonable of us into scepticism 😏 / cynicism 😒 .

Very understandable. 😌 🙏

Repeated false promises of 'miraculous, overnight cures' ✨ cause us to 'snap judge' 😤 (toss out) otherwise possibly useful techniques/ tools . . . 🚯

When we've been lead astray 😧 , dashed 😵 , & disappointed 😞repeatedly — our knee-jerk reaction can reflexively be "NO" ❌ — without a thought . . .


What's the expression?

"Fool 🃏 me once, shame on you. 🤥

Fool 🃏 me twice, shame on me. 😔"


Repeated 'over-selling' of 'magical cures' ✨ flips the switch 🌝 🌚 .

Turns us off 🤦‍♂️ .

Shuts us down 🤦‍♀️ from even contemplating 'new or other' ideas that may well be legitimate tools. 😔


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Kai--

No vulnerable 😞 or desperate 😩 individuals need be parted from their hard-earned dosh. 💷 💶 💴 💵 💸

No one — no matter our circumstances: 🏚 🏰 . . ♿️ 🚹 . . 🛴 🚘 . . 👒 👑

Gobs of free 🆓 info to explore 🔎 🕵️‍♀️ 👨‍🏫 & to try techniques on our own — after consult (& 'go ahead') from our medical team 👩‍⚕️ 👨‍⚕️ (of course).



Yes, no reasonable, thinking physicians (or 'experts') ever advise popping off meds! 😳 😱

That's not only another red flag 🚩 of 'lack of credibility' 🤡 — but downright dangerous 🛑 ☠️ 🆘 !! 😨

[Meds 💉 💊 are reduced when one has consistently progressed/ improved (in healing) to warrant physician-supervised 👩‍⚕️ 👨‍⚕️ reduction of a med (or eventual 'weaning off').]

None of it is done lightly, unthinking, whimsically. . . 🙃

It's 'playing with fire' 🔥👈 .


🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Kai--

Oh, for trauma, Nettac , there's a few audio podcasts that may be useful/ relevant: Healing Power of Resilience, Optimism, & Hope: Moving Forward from Trauma, PTSD, Physical & Psychological Abuse & Illness — Dave Pelzer:

They, too, talk about a variety of techniques/ methods to help us manage our 'trauma'. 😌 👍

Hope it proves useful. 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


LadyL0u profile image
LadyL0u in reply to Kai--

Thanks Kai, will check it out properly when I've got a spare half hour :)

ITYFIALMCTT profile image

Somewhat at a tangent, but sometimes, don't you wish that these doctors who extrapolate from their own experience of illness to sell a solution would be more forthcoming with blood test results, imaging etc. of their own (rarely-identified) illness that documents their transformation? Both to aid those considering their programme and to help medical research in general?

LadyL0u profile image
LadyL0u in reply to ITYFIALMCTT

Yes, I agree! Usually very vague about their own condition but pretty precise about payment details for their amazing new treatment course which apparently produces miracle cures... ;)

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