Has anyone experienced bouts of on /off inflammation throughout the day? If I rest it goes down, if I do anything it flares up again. I'm on Humira and Methotrexate was added in again in September after a less than good experience with a registrar rheumy- felt rail roaded into taking it in tablet form despite being on injections previously for 6 years. ( got that sorted though!)
Struggled for three months and on a very visibly inflammed day last month Top dog Rheumy gave me a steroid injection in my shoulder and upped my methotrexate saying , see if you tolerate it if not we will go for plan B.
Saw another register today thinking I must be in for a Plan B as the steroid is still working a bit but the methotrexate is killing me! After sitting for an hour and half after my appointment time my hands settled as did my knees and they looked quite un-puffy, just in time for the rheumy to see me.!!!!!
10 mins back home doing simple tasks and they have swollen up again!! My Newest rheumy is sending me for an ultra sound to check if humira is doing it's job and he suspects Fibromyalgia. A registrar 12 years ago mentioned this to me and it was dismissed by another consultant and nurse months later! Feeling rather be- fuddled! I am in constant pain all the time and rely heavily on pain killers. Out of three visits in the last six months I have only been seen once with visible inflammation. Was soo peed off tonight that I have just got my son to take a photograph of my hands and think this may be my only hope. Kind of felt a bit fobbed off. Oh and he stopped my Methotrexate too due to having Migraines. Feel like I am in no mans land any advice welcome as I am so worn out with seeing a different doctor every time and doing as I am told only to have the goal posts changed every appointment. You would think I would toughen up after 14 yrs with this horrible disease but I think I have lost all my fight of late. Thanks for listening and sorry for moaning!!! xx