I just listened to "Searching for Happiness" on Radio 4 (bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0001xp7). The reason I am posting the link on here is because they talk about a scientific link between sunlight, depression and inflammation. Especially mental health and inflammatory disease.
My original GP who discovered I had seropositive RA, immediately put me on Vitamin D and Folic acid supplements because of what she had read about depleted stores in RA patients. I am so lucky to have had such a vigilant and bright doctor, I know that, but I have also had very interesting chats with my RA specialist about mental health and RA. We all know that stress can cause flare-ups so it makes total sense that if we are depressed or have gone through a trauma that affects our mental well-being, that it can significantly effect the inflammation in our bodies.
The one thing that I really found interesting was talking about our natural circadian rhythm (body clock), the way our bodies react to daylight and how that massively affects inflammation. So basically, even if we are feeling rubbish, and want to just hunker down in our beds and feel sorry for ourselves, it's much better to sit outside for a while, wrapped up in blankets and expose our bodies to natural daylight, not fake daylight.
I'm off to sit outside for a bit... xx