PIP - justice at last...: Hi everyone, I want any of... - NRAS


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PIP - justice at last...

scotslass333 profile image
24 Replies

Hi everyone, I want any of you going thru the DLA/PIP nightmare to learn from my mistakes. - after 14 months of non-stop stress and struggle, it has taken my MP's intervention to convince the DWP that they did get it totally wrong, and now they have backdated the money I should have had, to last December! Unfortunately my case is not straightforward, but I see no harm in telling some of it. I already received DLA for long term depression /anxiety problems, had both the Care and Mobility components at lower rates. Then when RA struck as well, in 2013, and pretty much destroyed my feet, I knew when the time came to change to PIP, that there would be endless complications. They wouldn't accept that I had any Daily Living needs whatsoever. Some of you may remember I took it to the reconsideration stage - but still failed. All of that not surprisingly had a catastrophic effect on my state of mind, and with no help at all at home, meant that I ended up in the psychiatric hospital again....which I don't recommend IF you also have a serious physical illness as well, RA. They couldn't accept that I was in severe pain when forced to walk, stuff like that? Anyway we will pass over that particular episode since it won't, hopefully, apply to many rheumies, and also because I am probably going to make an official complaint about the awfulway they treated me.... So, fast forward eight months and my MP has succeeded where I failed, and now they're throwing money at me from all directions. The stuff I have learned could fill a book, BUT the only point that really matters is DON'T GIVE UP. Take it to the appeal stage, no matter how much you feel like giving up. Also, be very very careful how you answer the questions on the form itself, I've been told that's all they go by, even that they may not even look at any letters of support from doctors, which seems unbelievable, but there you go. If I could do it all again, I think I'd definitely keep a diary, as the NRAS booklet suggests. I hope no-one has to go through it all completely alone, as I have, and even though I have "won", it doesn't feel like it. Our disability benefits system is horrible nowadays, especially for those who have mental health problems. That's it, I'm finished. Just wanted to let you know. Am probably never going to be able to answer people individually, so please be understanding if you don't hear from me. Am very sore today too. Thanks for reading this . S.

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scotslass333 profile image
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24 Replies
Philip profile image

I've been on DLA 12 years, at I lost my incap Ben, I was then put on ESA with no support and no help but in Dec 2014 I was diagnosed with Dementia, I was then put in a support group and got a bit of money back, today I am on DLA high rate in both BUT I'm now awaiting my PIP decision and I've everything crossed in stress from the not knowing. Good all those who are going through this hell, I blame the TORIES and those who voted for them at the last election.


in reply to Philip

I don't know if this will help in pip face to face assessment rules condition that don't require face to face section 2.5_10

Philip profile image
Philip in reply to

Thank you Junebee, it does say Dementia but they are a law of THIER own, she did a memory test of she told me 3 fruits and I could only recall 1 lol, and that wasn't even included what she said lol but that's dementia for you lol.

trish1957 profile image

Well done you!

nomoreheels profile image

Oh well done Sheena, I'm so happy for you. Can't quite believe it's been 8 months but perseverance/necessity paid off, but it shouldn't have happened in the first place should it? Pleased too that your MP stepped up to the plate. Relax a bit now, you deserve a treat so buy something from your back payment, something totally non RD related! x

woodstar1 profile image

Well done!! I'm lucky, I still work and don't claim anything. I think it's awful that we as a civilised society treat people like this. I honestly hope if ever I have to claim anything that I'm treated fairly and compassionately not have to fight like you!! Well done and thanks.

Slightly_ginger profile image
Slightly_ginger in reply to woodstar1

It's great that you are able to work . But you must remember that DLA/PIP is not like ESA and is not an out of work benefit . You can still claim it when you are working and is not means tested . The CEO of a major company on millions of pounds could claim PIP and be successful if they met the requirements . Worth remembering . If you think you're entitled , claim .

woodstar1 profile image
woodstar1 in reply to Slightly_ginger

Thanks, I didn't realise that!! Well done anyway and cheers for the advice👍👍

DC56 profile image


That's great news but you should never have been put through that most people would have given up hope things go well for you now

Tialucas profile image

Well done on getting it sorted what they don't seem to understand is that stress doesn't help RA , when I get stressed I have flare ups and am bad for a couple of days

jane1976 profile image

Wow! Good for you. I too initially got my benefits due to my mental health & like you have since also had RA to contend with! I'm dreading the letter coming for me to be assessed!!! Don't know how i will cope??

scotslass333 profile image
scotslass333 in reply to jane1976

Hi Jane, I think my first mistake was that nobody explained to me (at least not in a clear way!) that you have to start from scratch with PIP - somewhere along the line I got it in my head that all the years I'd had DLA for mental illness, would be taken into account. Not so. So, because the effects of the RA are my main problem, I concentrated more on that when filling the form in, tho I certainly did put that having RA had made depression worse. I really, really wish I hadn't been so determined to do it all myself - so please make sure you get Citizens Advice involved, they're the experts. I did have some advice from them, but felt I'd do a better job on my own, I don't cope well when people try to rush thru complicated forms..... And with RA plus medication taking their toll on minds as well as bodies, I guess I shouldn't have tried quite so hard. Hope this helps a bit.

jane1976 profile image
jane1976 in reply to scotslass333

You are a real star dealing with so much on your own! I too presumed my long term mental health would automatically be taken into account. Thanks for the advice x

Barrister profile image

Well done! Clemmie

Cagsie profile image

Ive never had any benefits, I retired 9 months early due to RA, should have finished two years earlier. I've now applied for attendance allowance, no word yet and I have no illusions that it will be granted. I live alone, RA OA PMR Atrial Fibrillation, stomach ulcers, anaemia, stage 3 chronic kidney failure, history of falls, multiple protruding discs throughout my spine, femoral nerve pain ++. It makes you wonder who qualifies eh !

scotslass333 profile image
scotslass333 in reply to Cagsie

Wow - if YOU don't qualify, who would?? If they turn you down, just keep fighting it. All the best. S.

tinaparkii profile image

Or glad u got it sorted. I am still going threw same only I was on high for both on dla and ad my assessment last dec and got standard disability and nothing mobility. even tho dla was for life. went to a appeal last month after reconsiderations blah blah. to be told I mite now lose it all I do not this don't I. and I am waiting on another appointment as they was getting my last 2 years records of GP. not feeling hopeful at all

Jeanabelle60 profile image

Just wanted to say that you should be proud of yourself for coming out of all that with you mental health still intact. You are a very strong woman for keeping the fight going. You are so right when you say that it is disgraceful what sick people are put through to get the benefits they need and deserve. I can't understand how the torys keep getting voted into power but anyhow well done to you and so many others like you. Use the back money to do something special for yourself, you deserve it. Well done you. XX

scotslass333 profile image
scotslass333 in reply to Jeanabelle60

Thanks. But that's debatable, about my mental health being intact!! But at least I should now be able to afford to employ some proper help/carer, whatever. I'm very fortunate to have a really caring MSP (becos of living in Scotland). He passed my case to our Westminster MP - both these men are SNP, which makes me feel a little guilty, as I am not in favour of Scottish independence at all, never was and never will be!! But they know that, and don't mind! Have done them both a thankyou card. 😊

Doe27 profile image

Stay strong, and thank you for your post, you deserve a pat on back for coming through all of that, really feel for you.

And I hope the complaint is dealt with properly, so they might be more aware and understanding in future.

sarah1967 profile image

On wards and up wards. I feel for you and am so glad it's finally sorted. love and hugs to you. it's so hard being and doing it all alone. As I am , have my pip assume that in November feeling so sick with it all. look after yourself and take care. xx

Lragan profile image

Congratulations! Finally you can take a breather.

attatel profile image

That's fantastic news! Very well done!

I'm on DLA for depression agoraphobia anxiety etc. I'm dreading the pip form. You've done brilliantly coping with all this on your own.

I haven't dared to mention the RA since I got diagnosed because of being reassessed and maybe losing the benefits I'm already on-not to mention the stress of reassessment. Thanks so much for sharing your experience.

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