pip: Hi all well just got back from a lovely Xmas to... - NRAS


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Ottopup1 profile image
18 Replies

Hi all well just got back from a lovely Xmas to find that brown envelope behind the door. My call for pip. I am so scared about all this. Do they stop your DLA till they sort your claim out.

Any help appreciated. You

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Ottopup1 profile image
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18 Replies
Philip profile image

I have not long do mine, they never stopped mine and I was granted all my wishes, I think if they disallow your claim and you have to appeal I think yes they can/will stop your benefit until after the appeal has been heard ,they will install it iou win. I got help from DWP Wellfare rights and they came here to my home and filled it in, he asked the questions and I answered them but he did the writing lol.you must get help using welfare or C.A.B. BECAUSE THEY KNOW HOW.

best of luck with this, take care.


Ottopup1 profile image
Ottopup1 in reply to Philip

Thank you Philip I will try and get appointment withC.A.B. I thought I would get it soon, did you have the face to face interview and was it ok. Many Thanks.

Philip profile image
Philip in reply to Ottopup1

I did have a face to face and she asked a lot of questions but i have dementia along with RA, THEY ASKED A lot about my RA and i answered as much as possible then sat there looking stupid at her, they were not to difficult but when i am introduced to a new illness lol i try to learn as much as i could about it as i can, it helps me learn so i could take control my illnesses lol.

ldwilliams profile image
ldwilliams in reply to Philip


How did you contact Welfare Rights please?

Is there a contact number etc?

As I understand that CAB are often full and have long waiting lists in some areas


(I've just had my letter through you see)

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to ldwilliams

Your Town Hall should be able to put you in contact with your local Welfare Rights Officer.

ldwilliams profile image
ldwilliams in reply to nomoreheels


If you can find me a welfare rights officer in crawley, West Sussex I would be grateful

As I've searched Crawley councils site with no luck at all :(

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to ldwilliams

I'm sorry but I don't live in your area. Maybe as you've had no luck online you could ask at the Town Hall when you're next in town.

ldwilliams profile image
ldwilliams in reply to nomoreheels

Sigh, I don't pop anywhere nowadays, I can't get out

Thank you anyway.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to ldwilliams

Is there anyone who could go in & ask on your behalf, a family member or carer. Sorry you're not able to get out, do you not qualify for a mobility scooter or similar? If not do ring your local CAB, you never know yours may not be so busy & be able to help. Good luck for when you do have your assessment.

ldwilliams profile image
ldwilliams in reply to nomoreheels

CAB are not interested until you actually get the form, so I've been told by their helper on the phone.

I cannot even ring for an appt until then, so I've no idea if my local CAB are busy or not, but I'd imagine they will be, it's a big town

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to ldwilliams

Right, I didn't know that. I filled in my form, with some help from my h, & only met up with a man from CAB once I'd got my form & had my assessment. Do ring them once you've received your application form, they may just have a slot for you.

allanah profile image

Great advice from Philip . nRAS also do a free book if you contact them on how to claim.

Don't stress too much ! It will only make you flare and my interview was just how I felt and what I could do on a daily basis .

Good luck xxx

Ottopup1 profile image
Ottopup1 in reply to allanah

Thanks it's hard not to stress when your not well it all gets to much. Wish you could just have it all over with in a week. How long after your phone call do you wait for the form. Then how long for your face to face. Sorry to ask all this.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Ottopup1

Great t the firm after a week , got assessment after six weeks ( I got t a month to fill in the firm and get evidence together )

Then had assessment and gthe t result one week later . Do ask at the interview for the number to contact for a copy of the report in case you wish to challenge .

Didn't mean to sound patronising but I really did flare , - and fir nothing , the interview was based on my form and what I said I felt .

Good luck x

Leonwp profile image

It should tell you on the letter the new date your DLA will finish regardless of whether you apply for PIP or not. Once you apply for PIP by phone the forms will be sent and the clock begins to tick on your 28 days to return it . Please get some advice /assistance on how to fill in the form. Wishing you the very best with your application and assessment. Blessings

Jan101 profile image

Hi Ottopup1

I must be one of the lucky ones. I filled in my form, and a few weeks later I got an appointment to go for an interview. On the 12th hour I called them and said that I did not want to miss my appointment due to my illness and could I please have a home appointment. That was around 2pm and at 4pm I got a call back from them to say they had a cancellation and could someone come out the next morning at 9am. The lady that came out was really lovely and yes they do ask you a lot of questions. During the interview all my tablets where on my table and when I was looking at them and telling her about all what was wrong with me I started to cry and she asked why I was crying and I told her that I felt embarrassed as I have never claimed anything in my life and now telling her about all the illnesses at once made me realise how ill I am. She said to me not being embarrassed as she sees lots of people from bankers and famous people that have to go through this. I was very lucky to have such a lovely lady that came out to see me. She also told me that the final decision did not lie with her. A few weeks later I got my PIP one was for standard rate and the other was for full rate. I truly hope all goes well for you. Also I hope this was of some help to you. I wish you good luck and I hope you keep well. Jan101 🙏 XXXX

Philip profile image

The contact only covers the area you live in, they are part of the DWP, MINE WAS THROUGH my local advocacy you can get thier number through CAB or or website or aged U.K., you'll need to contact them asap, they where very helpful and the bloke who called at my house was a decent bloke who did all the writing and asked questions, I highly recommend them, the CAB are probably just as good and they go through everything and it's free.

I hope everything gets sorted very soon and in your favour.


farm123 profile image

My local council gave me the welfare rights number and they came out and went through the form and would have filled in it for me if I wanted them to - they were good as they looked at the questions from a different viewpoint to me and things that I had come to see as normal were not. Don't forget to copy your form so you can read through before the face to face appointment as it appeared the assessor worked their way through the form on their computer. I copied my latest consultant letter and prescription forms to go with it. I put notes on my computer as I thought of them before sitting down to fill in the form.

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