Everyday, I get hot and sweaty all over and then turn cold. This will also happen right after I have showered. I do have low testosterone and stents in my heart. I also have had back surgery and neck surgery. I will also get nauseaed. What does anyone think. I also am diabetic, have arthritis. I need help it is so embrassing.
Sweaty spells and then turns cold.: Everyday, I get hot... - NRAS
Sweaty spells and then turns cold.
Well the sweating sounds exactly like I get and it can happen during menopause or on certain drugs. Its lack of estrogen levels. Hot sweats are followed by cold feeling because after the sweat eases the air turns it cold. My gp explained that. But I wonder if a drug you are on is causing this and the low testosterone could be like low estrogen. Not sure but I just know I get those awful sweats and cold feeling. You can get drugs to help with sweats but you must talk it all through with your doctor. Maybe gp first. Sorry I can't help more.
(Sorry I keep forgetting I can't go back and correct my errors because it freezes on me). My times of sweating come after exertion but I am well past menopause. They began when I was on a large dose of steps steroids for polymialga rheumatica. I worked out with the GP that I was probably fighting off some sort of infection. My immune system was being attacked on purpose by the steps steroids to combat the poliymyalgia and since then - although I am no longer on steroids my immune system reacts by causing the sweating whenever I am fighting off a cold or some other infection. I know when that happens that I must take things extremely easily or I will be in trouble. I have rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis as well as degenerating discs in my spine.