The op is over and i am home and in a lot of pain at the moment.xxxxxx
Home from hospital: The op is over and i am home and in... - NRAS
Home from hospital

Chin up, pain is not knew to you, you will beat it. Have they said how long this pain point will last. Take paain killers and try to sleep .
Sending you hugs and hoping it wont last too long. XXX
Glad you are home 🏠 safe and sound lovely x thank you for letting us know xx
Pleased to hear you're home Sylvi. Hope they sent you home with good pain relief & the pain eases soon. x
Glad you are home. Hope the pain eases soon. Gentle hugs xxxx
I'm new to sight but got nras digniosed april this year get well soon hun xx
Aww Hun just hunk it can only get better big hugs🙆🏻🤗xxx
I know i will heal better at home and get today out of the way and i am sure i will feel brighter,xxxx
Hope you have a speedy recovery
Glad the op is over now. Hope you feel better soon x
You'll soon feel better, had my right knee replaced back in Dec 2000, still going strong.
Glad to hear you are now at hope and hope you will soon feel better.
I'm sure your family are looking after you well & you'll soon be back up bright & bouncy.
Glad you are home now, but sorry you are in pain !! Hopefully it will ease off soon for you. Thinking of you and wishing you well, Lynda xxxx
A day at a time and you'll soon feel better. All the best.🌹🌻🌼xx
Best wishes. Hope it's worth it. M x
Well done for doing it! Hope you feel better sooner than later.
Can't sleep and i can't get comfy,so i thought if i come on here for a while i might be able to sleep.xxxxx
Well done Sylv, you've waited log enough, but it over and done with now brave lady. VVVVVVV gentle hug Babs x
I find the radio on quietly, or even the tv can help me to relax, and then drop off. Hope you can get comfy soon. M x
Just been to the toilet so hopefully that will help me settle down.
Thank you every one for being here for me during this time it is greatly appreciated.I love you all.xxxx
Was wondering about you this morning. Sorry to hear you're in pain and hope it resolves itself very quickly. Just surfacing from a terrible flare. This disease is unremitting. Anyway try to rest and keep looking on the bright side, not easy I know, sending you gentle hugs. Marir
Glad you're home Sylvi and hope you recover from the op soon,
Glad the op went well and you are home! The pain shouldn't last too long (at least from what I remember from my surgery). Sending you gentle hugs for a quick recovery!!
Your in my prayers Sylvi. Hope the pain has begun to subside. You are on a brand new chapter of your life!!
Sorry for your pain but glad your op is over. The pain will soon start to subside and your life will be so much better, Stay positive. x