I can't believe how quickly the time has gone . had the pre op appointment (which put my mind at rest at the time) now panicking again, trying to keep busy so I don't think about it too much. Going through the "should I really have this done .. " stage at the moment, just before I have to take some more pain killers .. haha .. Good luck to all of you who have knee ops soon, it will be hard work but we will get there.
Knee op .. counting down now .... Monday 20th October - NRAS
Knee op .. counting down now .... Monday 20th October

I know exactly what you mean! It has been mention to me a few times now that it is on the cards. Just not sure how long to wait (I'm not a very brave person) at the moment they are not too bad so leaving it for now. So I'm watching all the posts now on those having this done. I hope all goes well for you and I look foreword to reading your update too.
Good luck
Smiler X
Hi Smiler53,
I had a wash out of the joint and meniscus repair, the surgeon did say I would need replacement at some stage that was in 2012 so not done too badly but I cant cope with the pain and my other knee is painful and ankles hurt as well now so hobbling about.
I will write an update on here when I can.
Thanks for your good wishes x
I well remember 'do I really need to do this' then having to 'shake the leg' to move, think how you get up, reach for painkillers etc. The first few weeks are tough but there is slow improvement all the time. Ice, painkillers, rest and exercise. If you are generally independent the most annoying thing to need help with is the 'lovely' TED stockings which you need on both legs thigh to toes for 6 weeks. Make sure you have a good moisturiser as the legs get very dry underneath - I ended up using v** spray and go (a towel underneath) as my young teens did not like having to rub cream in. Good luck. Farm
I'm in the same boat but know I can't go on like this. My preop is tomorrow and everyone around me is coughing and spluttering. Gargling and washing hands!
Hope it goes ok Hun just relax I take Bach flower remedy u can get it in pastille X or spray really helps f your feeling a bit nervous and it's all herbal x
Good luck but Monday is 19th in UK. Are you elsewhere?
I had my right knee replaced one year ago and believe me I am over the moon with the result, I am now waiting to have the left knee replaced and I can not wait. I will not pretend it is painless as it is not , but the results are brilliant.
Hi creakybones here, I had my op on 20th August this year. It is a painful operation but worth it. I now have full range movement and it has made quite a difference in my life as I now can walk without too much pain. This has enabled me to start walking again have lost a stone and a half and feel great. Don't over think about ayour op All the best for your op and hope you have as much success as I have had with minex