Numbness and coldness from the knee down: My husband's... - NRAS


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Numbness and coldness from the knee down

Jerrywelch1 profile image
34 Replies

My husband's right leg has been bothering him for the last month. At first we thought maybe nerve damage from a knee injury years ago. Now we are a bit worried that it may be a blood clot. Symptoms are: His right leg from the knee down, his calf hurts but the biggest symptom is numbness and coldness from his ankle down, his toes especially feel like ice. The coldness and numbness wakes him up from sleep. It does seem to help but only a little if he hangs his leg off the bed, but it is not going away. Also the more he is up on it the worse it gets. Please any advice would be appreciated.

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Jerrywelch1 profile image
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34 Replies
popsmith1874 profile image

Best going to go and get checked out, I had same symptoms and had a blood clot on groin, have been on blood thinners since October but my feet are still like ice and have to be checked again next month

Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to popsmith1874

Thank you, blood clot is definitely a huge concern.

Matilda_1922 profile image

Sounds like intermittent claudication so he needs to see his GP for vascular tests.

Sorry can’t help any further.

Matilda x

Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to Matilda_1922

Thank you I appreciate you replying

helixhelix profile image

It could be something as simple as a vitamin B12 deficiency, or a problem with the veins like claudication as others have said. Best to get yourself off and get checked out. But do try not to fret too much as if there's no redness, swelling or hotness then less likely to be a clot.

Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to helixhelix

Thank you, I read up on blood clots and he does not have any redness, swelling or hotness, That did put me at ease a little Thank you very much for your reply it is greatly appreciated.

girli1111 profile image

Please get this checked out urgently. I had a deep vein thrombosis, it presented as numbness, like the feeling you get after having pins and needles, and then pain, but I had no redness and no visible swelling (although on examination my calves were very slightly different sizes. There is a blood test called a d dimer Test which tells them if the body is trying to dissolve a clot. My pain was in my left calf, but the clot was actually up in my left thigh.

Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to girli1111

Thank you for your reply, he is not having pain, but the numbness goes from a 6-12. I greatly appreciate your reply and will have him checked out today.

Ruth12345 profile image

Yes, this really does need to get checked out. Best to be safe for peace of mind. Let us know how you both get on. ☺

Hi Jerrywelch1 , it is important that your husband books an appointment to get this looked into as everyone has already suggested.

We are not clinically trained and it is best to get it checked by a medical professional. Hopefully, it is something minor and can be treated easily.

All the best,


Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to

Thank you Katie, he is very stubborn I have given him a dead line today. He will be going to the ER today.

in reply to Jerrywelch1

You tell him!

Best of luck,


Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to

Thank you Katie, I will.

Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to Jerrywelch1

Thank you for your reply. I made him go to the hospital/ER yesterday and there is blockage in his right leg. Now we wait to see it he can be treated with meds or if he will need surgery.

girli1111 profile image
girli1111 in reply to Jerrywelch1

So glad it’s being dealt with, well done for not letting it go, good luck to your husband. I had several months of tinzaparin injections, followed by warfarin tablets, but all is good for me now. Hope it’s the same outcome for your husband x

Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to girli1111

Me too, with all of the test they are putting him through shows me how serious it is. He tried to have me believe it was nerves. I am still scared, but glad he at the hospital now and not at home.

girli1111 profile image
girli1111 in reply to Jerrywelch1

It’s good they are being very thorough.... Be reassured by that. I was due to have scheduled surgery (on an ovary) shortly after my clot was found, which meant I had to go through a procedure to insert a filter into my vein (IVC filter) so that the clot could not break off and travel to my heart and lungs.... it was like mini umbrella spokes.... the thought of it made me feel quite frightened, but it’s clearly something that is done regularly, and all about keeping the patient safe.

Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to girli1111

It is amazing how far medicine has come, I am glad they found it before hand :)

Amkoffee profile image

I had a blood clot in my right leg years ago. It is considered an emergency so you need to get him to the hospital. And the pain in the calf, to me, felt like a charlie horse almost.

Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to Amkoffee

Thank you for your reply. I made him go to the hospital/ER yesterday and there is blockage in his right leg. Now we wait to see it he can be treated with meds or if he will need surgery.

Amkoffee profile image
Amkoffee in reply to Jerrywelch1

I'm so glad to hear that you went to the ER. When I had mine I think I waited a week thinking it was just a charlie horse. I even went to the chiropractor about it. He's the first one who said it might be a blood clot.

Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to Amkoffee

Me too, with all of the test they are putting him through shows me how serious it is. He tried to have me believe it was nerves. I am still scared, but glad he at the hospital now and not at home.

Amkoffee profile image
Amkoffee in reply to Jerrywelch1

Did they do a sonogram of his leg to look for the clot? You didn't mention them doing one of those and that's what they did on me. Are they making him stay in bed and not letting him move around. They brought in a commode and put it next to my bed because I wasn't allowed to walk to the bathroom. And it was really weird because I felt fine except for my leg hurting. And the pain was not even that bad because I take pain pills for my lower back pain.

Well anyway I'm glad he's getting the help he needs and you need to tell him that he needs to remember this next time something happens that you know best, not him. LOL

Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to Amkoffee

Yes they did a Doppler first on top of his foot and then brought in the big machine and did that one from the groin down. He has quite a bit of blockage and today they are running him through all kinds of heart and stress test. Sitting there all of last night was very eye opening for both of us, today I had to come in to work which has been very hard, but he is only five minutes away and we knew they would be running a lot of test. I promise to I will tell him he needs to remember I do know best :) lol thanks

Jerrywelch1 profile image

He has no cramping and no pain, just numbness and coldness. Thank you for your reply :) I have given him a deadline. Like it or not he will be going to the ER today

Ozzy profile image

My husband has the same due to his diabetes for which he has had checks done. BUT the pain in his right calf which he developed in November turned out to be DVT which he is still under hospital for. Make sure your husband goes to see go, if it goes the same, first they do a blood test to rule out infection, then if no infection, scan at hospital.

Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to Ozzy

Thank you for your reply. I made him go to the hospital/ER yesterday and there is blockage in his right leg. Now we wait to see it he can be treated with meds or if he will need surgery.

Jerrywelch1 profile image
Jerrywelch1 in reply to Ozzy

Thank you for your reply. I made him go to the hospital/ER yesterday and there is blockage in his right leg. Now we wait to see it he can be treated with meds or if he will need surgery.

Jerrywelch1 profile image

Thank you for your reply. I made him go to the hospital/ER yesterday and there is blockage in his right leg. Now we wait to see it he can be treated with meds or if he will need surgery.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to Jerrywelch1

That's great. Well done for pushing him to get it seen. Hope it can be resolved soon.

Jerrywelch1 profile image

Me too, with all of the test they are putting him through shows me how serious it is. He tried to have me believe it was nerves. I am still scared, but glad he at the hospital now and not at home.

Jerrywelch1 profile image

Me too, with all of the test they are putting him through shows me how serious it is. He tried to have me believe it was nerves. I am still scared, but glad he is at the hospital now and not at home.

Thank each and every one of you for your replies and steering my husband and myself in the right direction. You have all been such a great comfort, I would much rather hear the truth, no matter how hard it is.

girli1111 profile image

How’s he doing now? Have you got him home yet? X

Jerrywelch1 profile image

Yes, thank you for asking :) His hospital visit was from 1/23-1/28, he had a blockage in his right leg above the knee. They went in to remove the blockage only to run into a blood clot above the blockage. They stopped right there, put him on blood thinners for a night, then went back in the following day. When I brought him home Sunday we were told that he should know he was very lucky, that most people who come in with what he had lose there leg. I believe this because I saw with my own eyes (after the first attempt) his leg go completely grey and watched them barely getting a pulse in his leg and foot. Thank you so much for replying from the very beginning, it helps so much to see a bigger picture. He is sore now and can not go back to work for two weeks and on several rx's but that is okay. He is my best friend besides being my husband and he is still here with me, so I am more than blessed and thank you again so much for caring <3

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