I have been away since my little vacation (which was lovely). The Cymbalta I'm taking has finally sorted itself out, so I'm feeling much more myself. It does help me with the pain, in that I'm still aware of it, but it feels like cold flames rather than hot. I'm sure that makes no sense whatsoever, but it does make the pain more manageable. If I push too hard, it becomes heat again, and my knees are strangely immune to the cooling thing. It's been +35 or at least over 30 for weeks now, and it seems like most of western Canada is on fire. Nothing near home yet, but the smoke is nasty. I won't be able to catch up on everything or everyone, but I was enjoying playing at 'normal' for a little while. The side-effects from the leflunomide have definitely eased as well, but I'm not noticing any particular improvement in my RD. My joints are still very swollen. I'm trying very hard to stay off my steroids because I don't want them to mask the new med. I'd rather know if it's working or not than get a false improvement off the pred. It has only been six weeks now, so it may still kick in. I'm hoping, but not especially hopeful, if that makes sense. Any way, hello again.