I've been on oral MTX (25 mg) for 5 months and added sulphasalazine in February. Also just finished a short prednisolone course. I get better when on pred and decline straight after. While anti-CCP positive, my symptoms aren't really typical of RA. I don't have swollen or particularly painful/stiff hand joints though some are described as spongy. My main problem is my large joints which are symmetrically stiff and painful. When I first got sick, I went from active to crippled within a few weeks. Since my first pred course last year, I have not become so disabled again but still get a lot of pain and stiffness as well as fatigue that I try to ignore and carry on as close to normal as possible. When the nurse feels my joints, I don't get any pain but it rather builds and by night time I can't sleep with the pain. I then just feel general aches and pains all day. At each appointment, the consultant or nurse seems to be confused that I'm not sensitive to squeezing the joints and makes the comment 'but you are anti-CCP positive' as if my symptoms don't quite tally. Sometimes I wonder if I have 2 conditions going on in parallel.
In my latest appointment, the fact that the medication without pred was only about half effective was noted and the next steps are to change to injected MTX and perhaps add Hydroxyquinoline after giving a few more weeks to sulphasalazine.
Firstly, I wonder whether anyone has had improvement from a change to injected MTX. I don't get side effects with MTX and while my liver test was abnormal one time, it went normal again the next test. I'd rather not inject if there is no reason to but the nurse said that for some, injection can be more effective than oral.
Then I'm concerned about adding yet another drug to the mix. I feel that I've been lucky so far but adding more toxicity seems to be asking for trouble. I'm a little concerned about the eyesight issues with HQ as I am not coping very well with normal reading eyesight loss that comes with age. Also my eyes are really dry all of the time already so I do have concern about my eyes.
I know we all react differently but if you have any experience of mixing all these drugs and also your treatment if your RA symptoms are more large joint oriented, I'd be grateful for any insights.
Thanks for reading!