Pip well 3 week today still no decision yet getting fed up now 😞
Pip: Pip well 3 week today still no decision yet... - NRAS

I had a reassessment and filled in forms last July, had an ATOS assessment in January this year and finally got my outcome last week - outcome was no changes and I've now been awarded until 2018, with a review in 2017. I rang and rang them, I placed complaints only to be told they that new cases priority. I was concerned that if they reduced my award they may back date when they wanted the money back from, however all ok thank goodness. Hope you hear soon and outcome is beneficial to you x
Oh dear that's long I'm due to have assessment on Friday I'm stressing especially as need to travel to London for it,just didn't want to cancel the appointment to wait even longer(sins February)now reading ur post looks like they do everything so slowly. Can I ask how did the assessment went?what they've asked etc.thank you hope you'll hear back from them asap.
It will be a month next Tuesday got a letter on sat saying that they had all the info they needed and shouldn't be long now I'm fair shaking every time the postman comes🙍🏻😮xxx
Hi Dee....when you get the 'we have all we need letter' it's not too long after that unless certain info needs clarify with assessor but don't let that worry you 😊. I waited 3 months for my decision but that was last year when there was all the backlog! I'm up for reassessment now and have two appts cancelled...both on the day and one when I actually got to assessment centre 😡. Hope you get your decision soon...we are all waiting with you...it's like waiting for a new baby to arrive haha😄
Thanks Hun hope all goes well for u xxx
Hi Deejo,
I was thinking about you and your Pip . At least you have had your appointment. Mine was all booked for this Friday ,day booked off work then they cancelled it. Now I have to wait until the 25th June for my appointment.
So I guess I won't here until the end of July??
Oh well , hope you here soon with the news you want and a nice back dated payment .
Take care. Xx
I do hope you've not too much longer to wait Denise. It's bad enough going through the whole process without leaving you dangling waiting for the result. Let's try to think positively & that the decision maker is being thorough with his or her decision. x
I hope you dont wait too much longer and you get good news. Gentle hugs Joolz.x

Thanks Hun xx