Hi, I posted a couple of weeks ago about my symptoms (nausea, dizzy) thoughts maybe side effects of Tocilizumab which I have been on since July 2024, dizzy symptoms have been on going since November.
Doctor (GP). referred me to urgent ENT with a 6 months waiting list.
I now have a MRI scan on Monday next, with symptoms worse, I was admitted to hospital last Thursday but released same day. I HOPE IM MAKING SENCE.
Two weeks ago I had blood test and showed neutrophils were low again, spoke to rheumatologist and he suggested I stop taking it, I asked him where do we go from here his answer…….come back when you are having flare up. I was knocked for 6 with his response, My original and very caring rheumatologist retired and this guy is new.
Yesterday my husband did the Epley manoeuvre on me (for ear crystals) I ended up vomiting for 1hr and sleeping the rest of the day and night. Has anyone else had any problems like this
THANKS FOR READING my mumble jumble.