I am to have a knee replacement in 2 weeks time. I will have an epidural. I have to go this week for a pre- admission assesment.this is going to take 2 hours! I haven't had a pre- admission assessment before. What on earth do they do for 2hours? Anyone else had an epidural for knee replacement?
Knee replacement : I am to have a knee replacement in... - NRAS
Knee replacement
I had a knee replacement 3 weeks ago. Mine was described as a mix of a light general and epidural. I had it done as a NHS patient at our local BUPA hospital so procedures may be different. It included weight, height, blood pressure, urine and blood tests and a ?ECG (loads of sensors and cables to check heart) with a nurse, chat with doctor about medications and a visit with physio for crutches. Farm
Thank you for the reply, farm123. Does your knee feel better after3 weeks?

Its been a bit of a rollercoaster 3 weeks. I am 48 with seronegative inflammatory arthritis and have had problems with this knee since I was 19 and have struggled to find medication to control the inflammation in it. Unfortunately there is a hairline fracture in the femur which means I can only partially weight bear for the first 6 weeks and not push on bending too much at the moment.
I was always expecting a longer recovery time as that is my history but disappointed to find an issue from the start but do not at the moment regret having it done as although there is still a lot of recovery to do it is more uncomfortable rather than painful and getting stronger all the time.
My physio has been good at adapting exercises which will help to rebuild the muscles without forcing the knee - no doubt once she gets the go ahead things will get tough!!
I have got pins in the top of my femur having token it 2 years ago so I may be in the same boat as you as regards weight bearing
I'm seeing the surgeon next Tuesday with a view to having bi-lateral knee replacements. I understand that the pre-assessment will involve a treadmill to determine one's gait, but I won't last long on that! Apparently, the chap I'm seeing also favours epidural ( for numbing the pain) and heavy tranquilizer (so that you don't mind the noises). that way, one doesn't have to get over a general aesthetic and physio can start much sooner - ie the next day.
for my eye operation, I had local anaesthetic and tranquilizer and apparently i was singing opera throughout the operation. I don't remember a thing!
Good luck. Do post an update.
There's no way I can go on a treadmill so I hope my pre assessment does not involve a treadmill!!

Don't worry, it's the same with me. If I could run on a treadmill, I wouldn't be so desperate to have my knees replaced. I think that was just part of a standard letter; it will be evident when I hobble in on crutches that I won't be able to do it. It might be a struggle to even step onto the treadmill.
However, I do understand that they are keen to ascertain your gait (well, at least my guy is) as this might determine the type of replacement needed (there are now several options), what muscle wastage there has been, etc.
I'm really not worried about the pain. I accept that there will be some, but at least it will be in a good cause, and hopefully it will be a little less every day.
All the Best to you.
Hi, I had a fkr a year ago, and my pre-op assessment was much the same as Farm. No treadmill! ! It did take 2+ hours, but a lot of that was spent waiting between the different bits. Suggest you take a book!
I had an epidural, with a sedative, and it was great.......much quicker recovery, and safer.
I have no regrets about having it done. Good luck with yours!!
M xx
Good luck, think everyone has covered the assessment, just don't forget to take all your questions about recovery etc with you as they can answer of find out answers for you. Xx
They give you a mini health exam to make sure that your body
is ready for the invasion (cut, work done) and they are there to
answer all of your questions. Sometimes the doctor orders tests
immediately before surgery to get a base line. It's pretty repetitive
to your exam by your general practitioner ( primary doctor)
Sometimes you get to go in early (people back out sometimes)
so basically you are lined up (in your cubby) to be ready to go...
plus they have to stick leads on your body for BP, Heart rate, breathing,
etc. A couple different doctors may meet with you.
You may have to get a central line in (IV)
It really goes by quick from check in to checking out of the hospital.
I was kept 3 nights with my first knee replacement...
I had 6 same knee replacements. The hospital had infection and I
caught it. Even so, it wasn't the worst thing...they kept me comfortable.
I am so happy for getting my new knee.. Good luck. Keep in touch.
Thanks for taking the trouble to answer Yikes. Why on earth did you hav e 6 replacements on the same knee?
Thank you everyone who responded to my question on knee replacement. I will let you know how I get on after the op. Which is on April 22nd.