migraine aura : I have started to get aura migraines... - NRAS


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migraine aura

14 Replies

I have started to get aura migraines they last for 15 to 1 hour I have had 4 aday for the last 2 weeks after my rd seams worse I am only on pain killer for my rd at the moment any help full tips

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14 Replies
Barrister profile image

I sympathise with you. I have been a migraine sufferer in the past ( thankfully nothing for a while although have had some really dreadful headaches since starting Humira). My son has chronic migraines ( a medical term as he has them every day and hs done so since he was about 14/15 and is now 24). It could be that your pain relief is causing them as it is well known that this can happen. Try googling " paracetamol headaches". It doesn't mean that you get these headaches only from paracetamol, I'm just using that as a for instance. Also see if headaches are a side effect of your pain relief. And if that's the case, you should have a chat with your GP or rheumatology nurse/doctor and maybe get it changed. Clemmie

in reply to Barrister

that could be the case I have had more pain relief over the past few weeks ,better look into that have a great new year.

nomoreheels profile image

I know the misery of them though haven't had them for some time, I think really since the menopause. I do suffer cervicogenic headaches though & would rate them at a score of two below a full blown migraine & have the capacity to make me sick & quite weak. These were caused by my neck problems, cervical spondylosis (OA) & since increasing my amitriptyline have lessened but not gone, they creep up on me rather than sudden attack migraines I used to have. Saying they last 15mins to 1 hour I guess they come on suddenly, not a build-up warning-type migraine? As Clemmie says pain relief can cause headaches which sounds a bit contradictory but it's generally recognised. I would ask your GP what he makes of them & if he can review your pain relief at the same time.

When is your next Rheumy appointment? I would also mention it to him/her, it could be related to your RD, not being on your meds could be a contributing factor do you not think, particularly if you're feeling you RD is worsening? x

Carolsos profile image

Sorry to hear that Junebee about your migraines , I have just started with them again, have not had one for 2 years until last week and then had another one last night. I am no longer getting the flashing lights, but the pain is intense straight away. I take Naramig but can only take two tablets for two different attacks. But these make me tired and on top of everything else it makes the tiredness much worse. Hope you get sorted at the Drs soon.

Take care xx

bencar profile image
bencar in reply to Carolsos

I suffered with aura migraines for years then they suddenly stopped didn't have one for about 5 years. After starting 10mg of MTX they started again, was having up to three a day. I phoned my reumy nurse had a chat with her she told me either to cut back on the MTX (7 1/2mg) or stop it altogether. Thought I would presevere with the 7 1/2 mg of MTX, seems to have worked, not had a migraine for almost 1 month now. I take Naproxen and Paracetomel when required which is very occasionally. I do feel a bit of a fraud being on here and reading about the terrible times that most of you have. I'm not without pain, just twinges in my wrists and my little finger of my right hand is veering off to the right which worries me a great deal. Hope you all have a Good New Year and have a lot less pain in 2015. I do love this site and have picked up such a lot more information about my RD than I could have ever got from either my Consultant or Rheumy Nurses.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to bencar

Please don't feel a fraud bencar.... I'm generally ok thanks to my meds except for the odd blip, the norm for RD, & enjoy the site as it's for all those who have this dratted disease. Obviously it's often used for people who are struggling but I think it's nice to come on here & speak to people who just understand just how it is as well, unlike most people who don't have it & who think it's just aches & pains! I also find it helps hearing others experiences & if a reply helps someone that's even better. Like you I've learnt more on here than from my present Rheumy & nurses.

Happy New year & I hope we see more of you in 2015! x

bencar profile image
bencar in reply to nomoreheels

Hi Nomoreheels, thanks for your response. I was diagnosed in 2012, I did suffer Palendromic Arthritis about fifteen years ago and was treated with Salasapyrene (sp) 6 tabs a day, I decided to cujt back on them and was only taking one so they decided they should discharge me as they thought that the medication wasn't doing anything for me, then I wasn't in the pain that I had earlier experienced. When I started to experience pain in my joints again I thought the palendromic had returned so decided to see the consultant who treated me privately. He thought had Rheumatoid Disease therefore, referred me to an NHS Consultant, for whom I had to wait another 6 months. By this time I was in quite a bit of pain (at one time having to go to A&E where they speeded up my appointment) I was then given a chest CT scan, breathing test, and ultra scan on my hands. This presumably was to determine which medication would be most suited to me. Rheumy came to conclusion that MTX would be the one, however, after reading the side effects I was scared to start it and also most of the pain had subsided. I was then in denial of the disease for 18 months, my little finger started veering to the right which worried me didn't suffer any pain though. At my last appointment with the Rheumy he checked me out then said he didn't want to see me for 12 months, which I thought was a long time. However, I also thought it may be because I was frightened to go on the medication with all those nasty side effects. As my little finger was getting worse I then rang the Rheumy team and got an appointment with a Rheumy Nurse, she talked me into going on MTX 10mg, this I did and suffered nausea every day to the point of gagging I rang the Nurse to let her know what was happening and also told her about the Migraines, she said 'cut it back by 1 tab and take Folic Acid every day except MTX day'. This I have done and it seems to have helped, take the MTX spaced out 1 after breakfast, 1 after lunch and the last after dinner. Fell nauseas the day after but no gagging with it. See my Rheumy Consultant on Tuesday. I am still having slight twinges in my hands and wrists with minimal hair loss, no more than that. I do feel for everyone on here with this dreaded disease and hope they can come up with a cure real soon.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to bencar

There you go you see...you've every reason to be here!!! You seem to have had a lot of stop-starting & it would seem as though the original diagnosis of palendromic has changed over the years. I started my RD journey back in 2008 with hydroxychloroquine & after a year MTX was added. I've now been on MTX over 5 years now, first tablets & changing to injections 4 years ago with folic acid like you every day except MTX day. I also took my tablets with meals, 2 with breakfast, 2 with lunch & 2 with dinner (I'm on 15mg) & found it fine. One thing I can tell you is that for me since switching to injections I find I have fewer side effects, just a little more tired & less appetite the day after I inject. If it's working well for you & you feel you wish to consult your Rheumy you may find you have even fewer side effects too if he is of the opinion it could be beneficial for you. I've had many really bad headaches due to OA in my neck but not migraines, not due to MTX anyway, though I had a short spell of them on my first bisphosphonate but now that's been changed nothing since. Something to chew over, many others on here find it better injecting & it's no biggie once you've done it a few times. I've certainly not had any nausea due to MTX since so happy with that!

Wouldn't a cure be utopia? Seems there's a lot of research & new drug trials but whether they'll benefit most of us on here who knows. I would like to think that it could be eradicated or testing done somehow though so future generations will never go through what we have to. Other awful diseases too but then neither can we have a sterile society, nothing would live if that was the case!

I hope your appointment goes well on Tuesday, do you write lists like me? I think my Rheumy quivers as soon as she sees me come through the door lol! Do let us know how you get on. x

Smiler53 profile image

Hi Junebee, So sorry to hear that you are suffering with the dreaded migraines. I had them since the age of 16 until in my early fifties. They are so debilitating aren't they! I used to get them for about 15 days a month, though mine were just severe pain, sickness, upset stomache and loss of coordination and speech. I'm glad I didn't have the aura migraines like you. Pleased to say that they gradually disappeared after the menopause like NMH. I tried various combinations of drugs over the years and found the best ones for me were a beta blocker in the morning and amitriptyline at night. But the best thing ever was having Imigran injections

Smiler53 profile image

Oops! Hit the submit button too soon! The Imigran injection works very quickly, but do not suit everyone and they can sting somewhat. I only have them once in a blue moon now I'm pleased to say. I do so hope you find a solution soon for yours. Life is miserable with them and RD. My RD came later when in my 40's so didn't have to put up with both for too many years.

Smiler x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Smiler53

Similar to how we react differently to RD drugs, Imigran didn't work for me Smiler but I do think mine were related to hormones because, like you, I have them so irregularly now I'm past the menopause it's too much of a coincidence. I remember as a child my mum spending up to 2 days needing to be in a darkened bedroom, in fact she had blackout blinds, she had such awful ones but there weren't the meds available there are today. I'd also find migraines & RD would be very difficult to live with if they were as frequent as they used to be. My RD started when I was 48, so thankful it was not earlier like some we hear about on here.

Smiler53 profile image
Smiler53 in reply to nomoreheels

Oh yes, darkened room, hot water bottle on the back of the head and ice pack on the front or visa versa. I couldn't stand the smell of anything cooking or even the thought of food - yuk! When I look back, I don't know how I put up with it. They used to wreck so many plans and weekends and holidays. I wouldn't want to back to that misery, so really feel for Junebee.

in reply to Smiler53

only ever had 3 migraines in my life these have come like a bolt out of the blue, I will take your advice and see how I go with them hope you have a great new year

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Smiler53

Yes! I can plainly remember around age 6 or 7 my dad taking her up a cup of coffee & before he opened the door hearing her say take that away. Her sense of smell was so heightened dad made sandwiches or something that didn't need cooking so she wouldn't smell it, awful for her. Smells always affected me too, not to the same extent as my mum but were often my first sign of an attack. Yes June, really feel for you.

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