I have been experiencing increased pain and inflammation for the last couple of months. We initially thought it was a bit of a flare after a chest infection and meds altered. The pain and inflammation have not reduced though so went to see my GP as am not sleeping well, low mood and constant pain and inflammation. The blood tests have confirmed today I have a severe vitamin D deficiency. More tablets to take but will hopefully be starting to feel better than I have been soon. RD... the gift that keeps giving hey? Apparently there is a strong link between RD and low vitamin D. I am just relieved we have found the problem which is easily treated. Onwards and upwards as they say. 😊 x
Low vitamin D and RD: I have been experiencing... - NRAS
Low vitamin D and RD

I was told on here to take vit K2 as well to help absorb it. It worked 16 weeks of high dose and all back to normal and no more head sweats which was a huge relief. Also make sure you get vit d levels checked after 4 months or so as my RA nurse said remind Doc to check them to make sure it got better!

Oh that is really good to know about the vit K2 will be sure to invest in some. They have said they will check my vitamin D levels again after four months but will set a reminder in my phone too.
Do please check with your doctor before taking anything you’re told to take on here, Just to make sure it’s right for you 😊
KittyJ sorry I forget to say that thanks for saying it! I checked after told on here and GP said it was worth doing but yes check.

Just out of curiosity Deeb do you still have to take the high strength vit d .
no I am off it as levels normal so staying off it.

Ok thanks 😊
I had this problem too. I now take a multivitamin plus Vit D, because I have also been low on B's and had anaemia a couple of times. RD uses our resources to fuel inflammation, which is also why I try to avoid inflammatory foods including meat, dairy, refined/processed and sugar.
My rheumatology clinic says they would suggest anyone living in (UK) might benefit from vitamin d because we just don’t get enough sun or exposure to sun, which you need for bone health. But always check with your own medical support.
Along with methotrexate, folic acid and hydroxychloroquine...... I take vitamin D, omega 3, turmeric, B12 and have no idea if they work to be honest but something is generally managing my RA currently (fingers crossed) apart from the occasional flare.
I have been on the B12 injections for around ten years now. Around two years ago I had to have a high dose of vitamin D for four months too. I’m at the doctors on Monday for my B12 injection so will ask about other supplements which may be helpful to take too.
I use a B12 mouth spray, not injections . Not sure if that makes a difference. I chose mouth spray over tablets, because it’s absorbed straight into the bloodstream ...bypassing the stomach.
We should all be taking vit D supplements during the winter. This is the advice from the NHS:
“During the autumn and winter, you need to get vitamin D from your diet because the sun isn't strong enough for the body to make vitamin D.
But since it's difficult for people to get enough vitamin D from food alone, everyone (including pregnant and breastfeeding women) should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D during the autumn and winter.
Between late March/early April to the end of September, most people can get all the vitamin D they need through sunlight on their skin and from a balanced diet.”
It seems that this is even more important for people with RA.
I have taken vit D every day for years.
It's good you are taking Vit D, as RD puts you at risk of Osteoporosis with the risk of fractures. Vit K would enhance the Vit D. I have Osteoporosis and have 4 vertebral fractures. Excruciating pain.

Ooh 4 vertebral fractures does indeed sound excruciating!
Yep. 😱
I too am very low on Vit D at the moment. I know at this time of the year in this country most peoples reserves are on the lower side as the 'sunshine' factor is shall we say sadly lacking, but with RD as everyone says we are more prone to a deficiency for whatever reason. I used to be deficient in B12 too and was put on the injections which my body strangely reacted to. After seeing a haematologist I was told it was unusual but it in my case was an element in the compound of the injection and not the B12 itself, so had to stop having them. Now my B12 has swung the other way (without any taking anything and being a veggie) which is a concern to me but not so to the haematologist who puts it down to my RD. It's so off the scale it is in complete contrast to before. The vit K2 sounds like a good idea and I will check with my GP about this next time my bloods are done for Vit D. Hope you feel lots better soon Summerrain and yes onwards and upwards, keep on going!