Hi all. I'm not sure it's related...I'm on mtx leflunomide folic acid hydroxychloroquine prednisone etodolac . Occasionally I have this horrid Shap wrap around the chest pain. Like someone is crushing me all around and movement is not nice. ..has anybody experienced this. ...happens frequently but not often..radiates to my right shoulder which I've had issues with ra and bursitis.
Chest pains.....: Hi all. I'm not sure it's related...I... - NRAS
Chest pains.....

I would visit the doctor ASAP to rule out any heart problems. Sometimes RA can have an impact on heart and chest , not trying to worry you, but I would get checked out. X
I think these symptoms need to be checked out by your GP ASP. ... for reassurance as much as anything
I'm with Allanah and Magglen - get this checked out ASAP to rule out heart or lung problems. It could be costochondritis - which is RA affecting your ribs. I think it is benign (but painful) but we aren't doctors here so can't give medical advice even if we wanted to. Twitchy
Ok thanks all. I'll see what 5 hey say. Just didn't want to bother them with something so small
I have had this pain since last night just as u discribed. I have phone my gp and am waiting for a call back I am slao on mtx and hydroxychloroquine so I would say phone your gp asap just to have a check up and make sure its nothing else xx
Thx. Please keep us updated for info
RNHRD at Bath told me RA doesn't affect your heart!! I asked them because I get really bad pains, takes me to the floor can be so bad.