So many of you were kind enough to wish me well at my appointment about my breathlessness today that I thought I would let you know how I got on. Thank goodness it is not something that is going to kill me in the next few years.
It is caused by a combination of many things; having R.A., having some spurs from having O.A., being on Mtx and Leflulamide, being overweight, having a very large hiatus hernia which is pushing up against my lungs so that they are not getting enough oxygen going through them, asthma and a slightly enlarged heart.
He said that the only thing that I can do to help is to try to lose weight and he said that he was one to talk as he is overweight himself and knows how hard it is to lose it, and in my case with being on steriods it will be even harder for me. I asked him if I should come off the R.A. medications and he said it was up to me, but if I do, then I will be putting myself at risk of flares and worsening arthritis and that will make me unable to move about at all and that in turn will inhibit the oxygen going around my body. He said that it is all very much a viscious circle.
I have to go back for some breathing and lung tests next month and they see him again.