I wonder if someone could help. I woke up with the mother horrendous pressure and pain in my upper chest around the heart area with an ache rising up to my teeth and jaw. I knew I wasn't having a heart attack as I wasn't sweating or feeling faint so I went to my GP urgently with said it was an allergy to the sulphasalazine. Ive just started taking it and I'm currently half way through the increases I'm on one in the morning and one in the evening. So he told me to stop this. I just saw him again this evening as the pain hasn't eased and my heart rate has become fast at 130 whilst resting. He is still not concerned, but I am. Is this a normal reaction to sulfasalazine. I'm stopping myself from panicking and going to A and E. Has anyone else experienced this
Sulfasalazine - chest pain and fast heartbeat - NRAS
Sulfasalazine - chest pain and fast heartbeat

Please go to the hospital for help. Some people have bad reactions to sulfasalazine and if the doctors at the hospital send you home then, no harm, no foul. Some people may need medical intravention 130 beats per minute isn't good, best to get second opinion,
All the best
I had the same problem with this drug. Brilliant that your GP is on the ball, mine had no clue.
It took a while to feel OK again after stopping the drug. I had a cough abd palpitations for ages.
If you are really worried please go to ER. It's a nasty drug for some folks.
I had palpitations and very high bp while on it, did take the swelling down in my hands very slightly..................been off it for 4years now and bp is down and no more palpitations.Went onto biologics, Humira then Enbrel, had to stop as developed BCC and operations then happened= no biologics now for 6months and am getting worse and worse, so talking to GP tomorrow about whatever next??????????? Have also tried LDN but not for long as I am very limited income and it is not subsidised for RD. On we go........................................................
Lasted 3days on sulfasalazine terrible chest discomfort pand started to bleed from back passage. Still some chest upset. What next as benepali only works so much
There is only one way to be sure- please get checked out in A&E. Did your GP do on ECG or blood tests to rule out angina/heart attack. P.s. women usually experience different symptoms to those usually portrayed on TV. Please get it checked out xXx
Thanks all. It got worsethat night but in the morning it had eased a small bit and now I only have the pain when taking a deep breath. I feel quite sure that it was the sulfasalazine now and I waiting for the nurse on the advice line to call me back to tell me when I need to do now. Thanks for your advice
I too get this feeling I am to start humira soon so hope I don't have to take salfasalazine with it
Definitely go to the hospital and get checked out
Hey, I am wondering how long you were on the Sulfasalazine before you experienced those heart symptoms amd also, did they discover anything was happening to your heart when you went to the hospital?