Lizet (Loret) Meets Anton du Methx Advancing int... - NRAS


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Lizet (Loret) Meets Anton du Methx Advancing into Rehearsal for Strickly....

lorann profile image
9 Replies

Ohmy! My mind is rambling on, trying to remember every aspect of that first day, th first meeting, but first I must relate a bit of the "prep time":

As many of my friends on this side of the Atlantic know3, my lifetime idol has been Liz----Elizabeth Taylor. I have tried to keep her elegance in my mind with all I do, in choosing dress styles, hair styles....oh the shoes! and , my favorites, the accessories, the jewelry!

Most of what Liz wore, in jewelry, were gifts from Richard. Richard Burton. Oh the love that was there!

I once wrote a disertation on "Body Transplants", a fictional theory, still in research, but the technique appears to be feasible. The hang-up is in finding a willing donor. Obviously, to be successful, it would have to be a live donor!! The incision is just at the collarbone, and could be hidden by wearing a heavy gold chain.

I wanted Liz's body, back when she first married Richard. She developed back problems too, but that wouldn't matter, atleast I could say I had Richard Burton :)

Well then, she put on a lot of weight from drugs treating her back, so I gave up on that idea, but continued to emulate every other aspect of her persona.

But I digress! But I want to select an appropriate outfit to wear to meet Anton du Merthx. Still, we will be beginning rehearsal, so must wear something classically loose. LOL! I mean "relaxed" fabric and design and construction.

Well, to condense this disertation, I will say there were so many lovely, colorful, sensuous, sheeeer fabrics to choose from, I wanted more than 5 outfits to practice in every day!

The sheer black "jump suit" intrigued me, love the style, and being one piece, it would stay together and be neat, no matter what contortions Anton may institute in the course of the Waitz we will be performing.. This is just for rehearsals, the choices for the gowns for the contest will be divine fun!

Had to take time out from shopping to get to an appointment at the hospital for my consultant to tell me the same thing he does every time I get to see him. "You're as good as it's going to get". However, getting worse is always hanging over my head!

So, as usual, the consultant was held up at some other location. Turns out he chose to drive himself this time, got trapped behind a freight train, which was headed with a load of coal to be loaded onto ships in port. Well... got through the appt and got back to the rehearsal hall. Wait, wait, wait.. Story of my life!!

I had chosen the black chiffon jumpsuit ( as in adult onesie) with a rather deep "V" neckline (must stay cool while rehearsing with Anton) neckline trimmed in silver lame', elastic waisty topped with a silver lame', flowing scarf/belt.

My hair is swept up and secured with combs imbedded with little glitttery crystals. Oh, I love these little trinkets so much!

It is now 4:00pm, Anton was to meet me here a half hour ago! That's a bit rude!, esecially with no message. Charlotte, my PA, has not relayed any messages to me.

So I check my hair again, looks fine, make up still fresh. Silver nail polish still ok.

then Charlotte had just relayed that Monsewer du Methx has arrived and is ready to receive me. What? Is he royalty? Does he think he is? Bad first impression. Poo Poo de du :) Ok, I'm ready.

I enter the practice room. He approaches me, takes my hand, kisses the back of it. Then embraces my shoulder, saying "oh my dear, how lovely---I had no expectations of such caliber" Oh my gosh! Such charm, such...uh.. accuracy? such honesty hahah :)

After an exchange of niceties, he began to show me the beginning of our dance steps to the tune of "The Ten O six Waitz" aprropriately selected since it was nearly the time he finally arrived !

Anton is demonstrably charming. Gentle kisses on my arm as we twirl about the floor, or in my hair as he drew me close...that was getting distracting as I waas concentrating on the steps. I'm counting 1,2,1,2,1,23,12 ( I think) and he's counting kisses!! Mercy!

He complimented me when I caught on to some new steps and swilrs & twirls as we had to do. But then!! He was attempting to show me a new routine, half way through the dance, and I was not doing so well, had missed the count nd rythm as he changed it..and Anton suddenly was about to implode! Then he did. He stomped, waving his arms "NO NO NO" "NOT THAT WAY!" "Watch me carefully, if you can (WHAT?)

Oh geez, my right foot is seeming to be full of hot spikes! And then I stepped side ways & screamed and fell to the floor.

Anton came over to me, "oh my dear, are you alright? Please let me check your foot..." after checking, and massaging, my entire foot, ankle and leg, he asked if he could help me up. Of course. His arms around my back, under my arms, he held me gently, paused just a moment longer than expected.. and I was upright.. Foot hurt like hell, but not as bad as when I fell. I assured him I would be fine, I would go home and put some ice on it and rest it. I told him how much I had done all day before I came to meet him and assured him I would not do that any more on rehearsal days. Then he offered to drive me home, as he knew it would be painful to step up onto the tram. Oooh!

And that's how the first day of rehearsal went! :)

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lorann profile image
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9 Replies
sylvi profile image

Oh lovely Loretta how well you write,i take my hat off to you.I couldn't write as well as you do. You naughty girl talking about wanting Richard Burton!!! i have a dirty mind Loretta.... I have enjoyed very much how your reahearsal went.I am not as talented as you my friend. Well done.xxxx

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to sylvi

thanks sweet Sylvi, you are always my #1 fan :)

Ah Loret, you see there was no need for for those pre-rehearsal nerves:-}

Good idea wearing a sparkly onesie for rehearsals - don't think that Vincent would appreciate my leopard print one, although it does have cute ears and a swishy tail!

Cece x

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to

Aw well, you could have the cute ears, and wiggle your nose as you look dreamly into his eyes :) That will distract him enough he won't notice your tail!

You paint a wonderful picture with your writing. I feel I am there with you. Fabulous, dahling.

I think Liz Taylor had eyes the colour of violets, so may I suggest contact lenses in that colour.

Anton is not quite Richard Burton, is he, but hey ... he has a very pert posterior!

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to

LOL! I haven't had the opportunity to view that part yet!!

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to

OOOh yes, Violet contacts!! I don't think there has been anybody with eyes like hers! Then I would want to get a full-skirted jumpsuit, in a luscious shade of lavender, then it could look like a flowing gown, but stay in place when we do cartwheels.!



miss profile image

ooooo what a lovely picture you have conjure up really looking forward to this dancing thingy xxx

Cartwheels? Can't wait!

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