I am, I have to say, upset :-(. I have just had a little cry although my other fingers and knee (the ones not recently injected! or not since January) told me quite obviously, there is active inflammation there at the mo. Red hot knuckles which are stiff. They are the knuckles of a flare and I saw these fingers becoming damaged and deteriorating as I was awaiting starting Enbrel whilst the admin/screening results delayed. (I am not allowed steroid injections any more as apparently I have exceeded my quota and anyhow, they will mask the next blood test results. It is hard not to have them as they worked so well. It always faded after a few months. It was never addressing the problem of a failed dmard, existing like this on hydrocortisone injections.)
Although I did suspect there would be an increase in my inflammations given that my CRP just before starting Enbrel was 6 and my ESR 39 (very good for me ... My CRP was 31 before and generally my ESR mid 80s) but I know these lower results from the end of February were due to the hydrocortisone injections I had had to my knees and wrists in January and mid February, with the most recent injections being two weeks before the above lower ESR and CRP result.)
Today the nurse phoned me to say that my other blood results from 20/5 were fine but the ESR and CRP had gone up. She agreed if the Enbrel hadn't caught up with the flare as such this could happen and I was in flare so very badly for a month awaiting the start of Enbrel. She also feels my very good results at the end of February were affected and influenced by my hydrocortisones. If I look back in my results book they yoyo between good and bad depending on when the hydrocortisone shots have been. Always been the way.
I am just so sad the inflammation results increased this way after Enbrel shot 3, and I know I have only just taken my fourth shot of Enbrel the day after my blood test on Monday but you don't like to see them going up. I have had such promising signs so far in other areas. The majority joints are freer and relieved and in general no widespread inflammation of flashing pain as I had all the time. Relief and less inflammation and swelling has been very noticeable as from a couple of days after my first shot, so I had hoped with this very early positive reaction in many places that it might show good blood results. My nurse said I mustn't panic as I only had three shots then a blood test. Something is working as I can get out of the house and do things without screaming in pain or being in tears and I do have various old joint damage so know very well that my "fused bits" are not going to change. I wished Enbrel had taken this finger flaring madness down. Done more for the bad knees ... tissue inflammation. I just hoped it would combat a flare but as it has been flaring so badly I think the knee and fingers which haven't responded as yet are the ones which were most in flare and most troublesome.
If I think to how I was a month ago - bed bound .. Unable to turn over in bed and unable to dress or wash or even tear off a piece of toilet paper from the roll, my hands were so weak ... Crazy I know) and how I am now then that is a big improvement, but I am panicking it is not going to do much more, even though I have another eight shots to do before review with the consultant. Have to have my blood done in another month.
I think I am ... Probably wrongly ...comparing the way hydrocortisone effects me and patches me up so wonderfully (albeit not overly long lived) to how Enbrel is starting to work.
Anyhow sorry for rambling on. Would have been nice to have all these signs of improvement and release without the flaring fingers and knee tissue and naf blood results. I hope I don't sound too greedy or impatient, but those increased inflammations have upset me.
Love Julie xx