It would be awfully awfully nice if I could wake up on one day and NOT have any pain. I am sick to death of it. I spent all night coughing and coughing. I eventually got up and had a drink of milk and honey as water was not doing anything for me. Whilst I was downstairs, my partner came down into the kitchen. "Oh he says, i thought it was Ben" (my stepson who had volunteered to do lambing duty last night). It was 2.30 in the morning and David (my partner) thought Ben had been out and had trouble with a sheep lambing! He hadn't even noticed when he got out of bed that I wasn't there. My god I could die and he wouldn't know!.
Any road up, this lumpy feeling in my throat is still there and I found that when I lie down I start coughing because I have a tickly feeling in the throat. Almost as if my food is coming back up (sorry to be graphic). The thought struck me that I might have hiatus hernia. My dad had that from taking lots of heart tablets. So here I am sipping me warm milk and honey, with my partner only concerned because a sheep might be in trouble at 2.30 in the morning.
Back off to beddie byes we go. Lay down start coughing. Goddammit, I have to prop myself up to stop the hacking, and take a painkiller in the hope it will knock me out (note to self don't overdo the painkillers tomorrow). So I eventually drift off. Wake another couple of times to go to the little room because I have drunk so much ruddy water, still coughing. Still propped up in bed drift off to sleep again. Wake again at 7 a.m. Bed empty (apart from me of course) David had gone sheeping it. My throat is hurting and I can't move my head. My neck is stiffer than a vicars whotsit. I give up. I get out of bed, my knee feels so much better than yesterday, hands not too bad. wrists ok. Shoulders ... ummm better than usual. Ankles and toes, wow fairly okish. Just can't move my blasted head!
So hot shower, biofreeze spray (very good for painful joints and stiffness Cryotherapy you know. Thinking to myself it might be a good idea to spray myself all over, stick me in the deep freeze and then thaw me out when they have found an instant cure for RA! Something like just one injection. There you go Mrs Goodwin cured! Brilliant!
Unfortunately due to lack of freezer space I had to go out to work as usual stiff neck and all. It took me until 10 a.m. to get up showered, rubbed, sprayed, and fed and walk over to the chicken house (had to leave the wagon over there night before as we had a flat tyre). My lovely man had been in my packing room and sorted it out and started to pick up my eggies. So I had a fairly light morning, bless him, must have felt guilty for worrying more about the sheep than my RA.
Still, more good news, had my hair coloured, cut and blow dried this afternoon and look a million dollars. But unfortunately feel like 2 and 6 pence! (pre decimalisation folks)
Have a good one! Take care Julie x