I woke up yesterday morning to a very stiff neck & didn't really feel well,I just wanted to crawl back to bed,which I should of done instead I stupidly went swimming. When I got home I felt so ill I had to go bed. I had a temperature,a very painful & swollen neck & again felt so sick but it's the tiredness...sorry to go on.feel much better in myself today neck is still stiff & swollen,this can't be OA can it???
I have a swollen neck,at the top of my spine. Does an... - NRAS
I have a swollen neck,at the top of my spine. Does anyone else get this or heard of it? It's very painful.

Having a temperature and a stiff neck are the sort of things that tell me to go to my GP. Areyour glands up as well? I think a bit more pestering of the medical world is called for to get to the bottom of what's amiss. I know it often feels uncomfortable to keep nagging your GP, butif you don't no one else will. but anyway, also hope you feel less ill. pollyx
Hi Caz
I agree with Polly even if the temperature has settled pop to the Doc. As u know we are more prone to infections on our drugs. I too woke up in a lot of pain in the top of my sine, back of my neck and 4 discs had just bulged. Had a scan and they think its not related to ra so waiting on a second scan. Not to worry u but best just to get the doc to have a quick look. Hope it goes well and let us know what he says. Axx
Thanks for your reply & concern,I've got an appointment to see my gp next week.I'm not on any drugs as yet,I wanted to wait until after my sons wedding which is at the end of this month,I was worried about the side affects & not having had firm diognoises. I'm feeling much better my neck is no longer swollen just tender. Your problems with your discs sound painful & a worry for you,hope they can sort it out for you. X
Good news then that it feels better today and the temperature is down. Glad you are still seeing them though. I also as well as the discs have OA at the top of my spine which Can feel hot and tender, so its always worth a quick check. Let us know how it goes, and enjoy the wedding, so exciting for you all Axx