Sun warm cold hands. Anyone have this problem the sun comes out weather warm . Hands like ice with goosebumps
Summer cold hands: Sun warm cold hands. Anyone have... - NRAS
Summer cold hands

Yep that's me :))) whatever weather my hands just won't warm up,also my feet but hands the worse,I'm sure its side effect of mtx for me hope this helps Michelle xxx
i have warm hands but cold feet sometimes, v bizzare,, hands warm due to inlammation
I'm the same - thought it was hormonal perhaps or weightloss but my Rheumy said night be mild Raynauds. Even in Tuscany last year hands were cold and when I flare I go icy despite inflammation. Before RA I was the other way round and always too hot including hands. X
my cold hand symptoms were caused by an under active thyroid. Maybe you one should ask a GP for a blood test? After being put on THYROXINE it improved a lot!
My hands r like blocks of ice just before a flare. Not sure if this is what causes my vasculitis - thats a question for my rheumy team when I go next time.
I feel cold all over most days, no matter what the weather is doing. And it is worse the day after my MTX injection. But my OH is always too warm!
If it were thyroid related, wouldn't there be other symptoms?
could it be that im using mtx that im cold all the time especially my hands, only joined this group yesterday and im already finding out more than i have known in the last 2 years since being diagnosed with R A, !