Good morning everyone,well yesterday i had a lovely day. I did a small bit of gardening while hubby was down the allotment planting his first batch of potatoes( he always plants his earlies on good Friday) in the morning,i was good i didn't over do it. Then we had lunch outside as it was a a lovely warm day. Then after lunch i sat out front with my colouring books. Then our son and his lovely wife came round,my friend from across the road and two very good friends came round as well. It became like a little party and was lovely. I caught the sun on my arms as well. I didn't realise how warm it was.
Then came the night and what a night i have had. I had weird dreams and kept waking up and having to go to the loo. That wasn't the worst of it because of the rain that is coming my knuckles hurt during the night. I have been down here since five as i gave up,also it was light outside and i couldn't get back to sleep. My hands and wrists hurt this morning and the weather is changing fast and my body feels it as well.xxxxxxxxx