Just a quick question these patches have been really good with cutting down for 2 weeks and then finally quitting 2 weeks ago. However today I have been getting really bad pains in my arm where the patch is. Does this mean I need to go to the lower dose now and that maybe my body is getting to much nicotine now? Any advise or knowledge would be great
Nicorette patches 25mg 16 hour: Just a quick... - No Smoking Day
Nicorette patches 25mg 16 hour

Hey Leo2018 - sorry I don't know much about the patches but maybe it is a side effect. Perhaps check the side effects with the prescription leaflet and consult with your pharmacist tomorrow. Try not wearing it bed if the pain is too much.
Let us know how you get on.....
How is things today Leo2018 ?
Not had any issues today and bad arm ache yesterday and considered cutting the patch in half just incase just not sure when to do this. The days are getting so much easier and I’m thinking about them less and less. Think it all depends on how your mood is when you get up.

Just move the patch around to a different place every morning. Make sure you were each patch level for six weeks. Even though the.box will say different. You have a much better long term success rate of staying quit if you do that. I am just over 6 months now and no more patches but still a positive quit.
Hey Vicky68 - good to hear from you and that you are continuing to go strong, well done!
Thank you
so 18 weeks is what you did on patches? Let me know please. I had to start with the lowest Ive been on it for six weeks, do not feel ready to take it off but have been putting it on later every couple of days. I am wondering if I am rushing trying to get them off?
Vicky68 my patches say to stay on 1st step for 8 weeks then 2nd for 2 weeks and 3rd for 2 weeks. Was a little concerned when I started getting the pains as for the previous 4 weeks I hadn’t had a problem. I used them to cut down for 2 weeks then been smoke free 2 weeks today!!! And days are getting easier I just didn’t know if my arm ache was my body was telling me that I was getting to much nicotine now. I really want to stay quit!!! My other half smokes and didn’t realise how yucky you smell until now.
Yes that’s what mine said also but my doctor said to do each for 6 weeks and it worked.

Hi Leo, I was using the patches for 10 weeks programme, i didnt have any pain in my arms, sometimes a slight skin irritation from the patch. Depending on how heavy or light a smoker you were, determines on what strength of the patches to use, i was on the 25mg for 6 weeks, then 2 weeks at 15mg and 2 weeks at 10mg, be careful of coming off the patches too quickly.....we think we are over the worst of the cravings, but can hit suddenly , just follow the programme and have patience