and what a roller coaster those 1,000 days have been.....but all for the better
I have achieved and overcome so much during this time, from milestone, random cravings, loosing my job and taking on a new chapter in my life, following my dream to be a chef, quite apt that as I reach this 'grand' milestone that I have a 2 weeks over me in my first job as Chef - settling in well but I never realized the term 'racing against time' over the last 7 days I was working - I like it and happy that I have got a job in doing something I love but have to admit I am exhausted I am sure though, Iike I did when I first stopped smoking will adapt and get used to it.
Below is a picture of a gift hubby got me after my first week - no excuse now #heatofthekitchen #racingagainsttime !!!!