It has been 65 days since the last time I took a puff. No substitutes like patches or vape. Never felt this good, physically and emotionally. I look much better, skin looks fine, don't get bronchitis that often. As for the emotional aspect, I feel more in control of myself, which is a great achievement. No longer a slave of cigarettes. I still think about it from time to time though, but it is manageable.
To those guys out there who's just starting on their smoke-free journey, don't lose hope or don't give in at the slightest cravings. I know it's hard, been there. Trust me, just wait it out. Do something to distract you from your cravings. To be successful, you need the right mindset, willpower, and some important infos about smoking cessation. Do some research. Just take it one day at a time. The "pain" of quitting smoking will surely get better as time passes.