Cry me a river!!!! Since midnight all I want to do is curl into a ball and cry! Floods of tears for very small reasons. Have other people felt this way??? And please, please tell me the tears and sadness pass! Your experience and thoughts? Ps I’m not an emotional crier! But heck I am now!
Day 26 the tears just just keep flowing! - No Smoking Day
Day 26 the tears just just keep flowing!

Hi frost! I can't say from personal experience that this is something i went on any of my previous attempts, however i would venture that your brains rewiring process has something to do with it. There is a psychological part of quitting and the brain is a confusing place. I wouldn't deem it abnormal just part of your quit. I wish i had advice to give however i just eat a lot when im sad so i cant really help here 💔 wishing you love and peace 💙💜💚💚💙💜💚💚
Thank you pattygirl1992 for your care and support, it really is appreciated... hoping this passes soon 💛🤗💛
Me too dear. 💙💜💙💜 for whats its worth, im looking up to you right now, im just smoked my last one an hour ago so for me, day 26 looks pretty good 😀 good night and i hope you wake up feeling better *hugs

Frost...It seems that you have received the full package but don't feel are not the only one is fairly normal and I really feel your emotions...
It is that total feeling of loss and you do not know why....Just think of it this way....You have lost a dear friend...That one that was with you when you stressed, or was lonely or cold or even when you enjoyed something and now it is gone....
It is your Brain as, Patty girl suggested, that is playing tricks on you and the agitator actually is nicotine....You deprived your brain from the main thing that made it happy and release Dopamine... not meant to be rude , and now you are crying...!
Frost....You need to do something that makes you happy to get your brain to release Dopamine naturally...or speak to your chemist to get some herbal supplements to help you along..
Strongs !!
Thank you Hercu, I’ll get there! No way am I going to go through this again! I’m absolutely amazed at how powerful nicotine is both physically and psychologically! I shall soldier on and hit the chemist! Thank you!

Hey Hidden - these 'grief like' feelings are perfectly normal and will pass shortly, as you are over 3 weeks, you are going through the 'Icky Threes' or 'the blahs' as your brain and body is working very hard to rewire, repair and recover, this is a gradual process but will get better and better as each day passes.
Below pinned post on 'the icky threes' is worth a read if not already done so:
Keep reading here and elsewhere on stopping and withdrawals, as knowledge is power!
As we advised previously, definitely head to your chemist / health food shop for the herbal and vitamin supplements - they really will do wonders for you
How are you feeling today Hidden ?
Hello Roisin, the new celebrity chef to be! One month today, so I’ve just woken up very pleased with myself! Breaking up with Nic has been an interesting month!! Have learnt a lot about myself, didn’t realise the amount of physical withdrawal symptoms I’d go through, but I’ve smoked for 35 years!!!!t this page has been an amazing place for support! Thank you 💛

Awwww bless you Frost, hope you’re feeling better ❤️
You’re a kind soul Monica 💛
Yes, I have experienced this, sat on my bed surrounded by tissues. Go with it love. Let all the tears flow .... it will definitely pass.
It’s was an interesting 24 hrs! I didn’t realise how much smoking suppresses! You are so correct in letting the tears flow, I feel as though I need to actually say to myself it’s ok to be sad! Smoking pushed that away! Interesting journey being nicotine free! Thank you nowandforever 💛 appreciate your words of wisdom x

I agree. It is often said that addiction fills a void. You'll feel so much stronger when you get it all out. Let the tears flow free wherever you be for it is these tears that set you free. I'm with you frost ❤
Your support means a lot! As tears well up in my eyes! Ohhh the joys 😂

Hey frost . how are you feeling now? Better i hope ?
Wish I could say feeling on top of the world like we should be feeling 1 month free of Nic! But my little brain is struggling in fighting away the sadness and overwhelm, but I will not go backwards! Staying strong but Nic wants me to believe he can make me feel happier! He won’t win! 👊👊👊 thank you pattygirl1992, how are you going??? Hopefully strong and stable! ☝️☝️✋👋👋
Good , im feeling pretty decnt starting today out just a le "thirst " at the back or my throat but ice water helps helps a lot