Hi, I am on day 2 of the starter pack and am slightly concerned that I won't give up within the stated time. Do you just day by day start feeling like you no longer want one? When does that feeling usually kick in?
Just the beginning....: Hi, I am on day 2 of... - No Smoking Day
Just the beginning....

Welcome OddieA - I presume you are on the starter pack of champix? If so, we have several members who have successfully stopped with the aid of it and in their 1, 2 and 3 year milestones. I stopped cold turkey over 3 years ago but know from reading posts here that usually around Day 7 to Day 12, the want for a cigarette becomes less and less but everyone is different.
We look forward to seeing your Day 1 post very soon
I am also looking forward to that post, thank you!
How are you feeling now OddieA ?
I'm on day 7 now and usually in the by now 12:40pm UK I would have had 7/8 cigarettes and so far I have had 2 1/2.
As others mentioned, the urgency to have one seems to have reduced therefore I'm trying to hold off as much as possible.
I am somewhat more optimistic now!
Thanks so much for asking

I took Chantix and did not stop when I was “supposed “ to. And I was in such a panic over that too so I decided to take my time,relax and let the medicine do it’s thing. That was the best way for me. You will know when it’s time to start cutting down and eventually quitting. Stay in touch with your progress and congratulations!
Hi Oddie .. a warm welcome .I didn’t quit on the 10 day .I started not tasting the cigarrets they taste very lite .Then I staring forgetting to smoke just like that .i reduced from 15 cig a day to 5 a day ..and I only smoked half cigarret . Then on the 3rd week I was with just one a day .at that point I started feeling disgusted and basically I was so happy about my success that on the 28 day I vomited and never ever smoked again .
On December 2018 I completed 1 1/2 year quit .and I wil never ever ever smoke again .
Chantix was my solution after trying so many times before .
Keep it up and give attention to your health .belive it you will not miss smoking ever again

Thank you, great to hear your journey and congratulations on the continuing not smoking

I think between the 8th and 12th day you are supposed to set a target day.
I just ended up with 2 left in my packet on day 8 and thought no way am I going to the supermarket and spending another £12 so the 8th day it was.
On day 47 today can hardly believe it, time has just flown past because I’m not constantly thinking about them anymore.
You can do this.