So.... Its been a while : Hello to everybody... - No Smoking Day

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So.... Its been a while

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free
18 Replies

Hello to everybody. How have things been? So five months ago i quit and slipped and quit and slipped and eventually just kind of quit quitting as i put it . i would try succeed for a week and then go right back to it. I felt so bad about messing up all the time that i stopped coming on here to talk about and tried to go it alone.... Needless to say that didn't work and im back begging forgiveness and read to try again. Starting Sunday will be my quit day plan on using a 6mg ecig initially and working my way down to nothing. I've missed you guys and hope don't mind having me back;) here's to attempt number who knows ! Let's do this !

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Pattygirl1992 profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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18 Replies
Hellogoodbye profile image

Hi. I've just joined a few days ago (addicted to nicorete quickmist for a year and desperately want to come off it) I tried a vape but it wasn't for me but I know they'really popular. I know I've only just joined but I would say that you should've stayed and posted about your relapses. Many smokers take many attempts to give up! All the best

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to Hellogoodbye

Awww well thank you Hellogoodbye. I appreciate that and i agree i should have stayed and tried harder and posted more about my struggles. Oh well turns out hindsight really is twenty twenty. I will say i have learned a lot and i. Determined and more adequately prepared this time . gonna keep fight the fight. Thanks again for your reply love and for the quickmist i have read that withdrawals are similar one of the bigger things qith it is instead of waiting and getting a big dose of nicotine like with cigarettes you can take a miat anywhere and at any time in smaller doses. So it may be worth it to monitor how often you take a puff for a few days and go from there. Weaning does work for some and not so much for others but it is worth a shot.

Hellogoodbye profile image
Hellogoodbye in reply to Pattygirl1992

You're welcome. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.I know I use it too much! I don't know how many though I never count! Anything is worth a shot I know. I'm thinking maybe cold turkey as cutting down doesn't work.

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to Hellogoodbye

Well the good news with cold turkey is its out of system faster and once its out, its out do wonder if once its out if you still dont have that "habit" but the good news is habits can be broken

Wishing you well dear and thank you again!

Hellogoodbye profile image
Hellogoodbye in reply to Pattygirl1992

You're very welcome. Indeed habits can be broken!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Great to hear from you Pattygirl1992 - sorry to read that your previous attempt was not successful - I know how desperate you are stop and you will succeed, I promise.

It is key you learn from all previous attempts and what made you light up and how you can overcome these curve balls without smoking - definitely stay close to us when you begin on Sunday and post anytime about anything - see below SOS pinned post if not already read:

Looking forward to reading your Day 1 post very soon :)

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Ah Roisin, you always know exactly what to say . thank you so much r your feedback im making every preparation i can think off but trying not to psyche self out before im even in .

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Pattygirl..I am sure you have seen the notice when you opened this page:

Serial quitters welcome....!

You are more than welcome and earning a lot of respect to keep on trying...

Mark Twain

“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.”

This is the one Patty,,go for it !

...Stay strong !!

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to Hercu

Thank ou hercu mark twain had it right haha. That is a little how i feel right now .

Ausjulz profile image
Ausjulz9 Months Smoke Free

Welcome!!! I did the same thing - on off on off. Got to the point didn't know if I was here or there. I had to regroup and plan the attack and change tactic. I really can't afford it and so want to enjoy my life now. Early days for me but one day at a time. Good luck.

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to Ausjulz

Congrats dear cheering you on!!

CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor

You are always welcome back Patty. I used an ecig and I found it helpful. It gave me something to do with my hands.

Don't be discouraged. If everyone was perfect, the world and this website would be a boring place.

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to CocoaXChange

Thanks cocoa and i ask you some ecig related questions?

CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor in reply to Pattygirl1992

Of course.

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to CocoaXChange

Ok fiest two questions are 1) are you still the /how long werw you on the vapor and 2 ) did you start out at 0 nicotine or work your way down ?

CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor in reply to Pattygirl1992

I actually started using one while I was still smoking. I don't think that was very effective, to help quit, but I used it in bars and in my office. I did that for a year or two, trying different brands. One tasted terrible, another's battery didn't last long enough. I ended up using V2 but I'm sure others are similar.

After my quit date, I started with a high nicotine dosage. I don't remember the level because they called them high, medium, low, but it was probably 12 mg. I adjusted down to what was probably 6, 3, then 0 over a period of 3 months. I'm sketchy on the time frames. I don't recall noticing that big a change when I reduced the dosage. Especially since I used coffee or chocolate flavored cartridges. I used the zero for about another 4-5 months. I used it less and less, naturally, after a while I just stopped using it.

I don't use it anymore, other than I carry it with me. Maybe I take it out once a month to be "social" if friends go out for a smoke. But usually the battery is dead and it mainly serves as a conversation piece.

Happy to answer any other questions.

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to CocoaXChange

Ive decided go with a menthol juice. Some peoplee said its not a good idea to that o i was worried but the candy and fruit flavors make feel stomach sick :/

CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor in reply to Pattygirl1992

Good luck with that. Menthol anything always scared me :)

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