I’m on day 2, but, I’m thinking I might go from using the patch, to using my e-cig. I haven’t decided yet. Hope you all have a great smoke free day.
Day 2: I’m on day 2, but, I’m thinking I... - No Smoking Day
Day 2

Hey Debbie, good to hear from you on Day 2, well done!
As you know, I stopped cold turkey but we have several members here who stopped successfully with the aid of patches and e-cigs. In my opinion, try to stick with the patches for a bit longer. If you go to the e-cigs you will have to wean yourself off the hand to mouth habit along with reducing your nicotine levels. Definitely have the e-cig on stand by for when you come off the patches. But have faith in yourself and that you are stronger than you think, I certainly surprised myself how strong I was.....

Hi DMuise - well done on day 2
I agree with Roisin that the patches may be easier to come off than the e-cig in the long term. I stopped cold turkey almost 2 and half years ago so would not be able to advise on them other than reading others here experiences.J
Just as a matter of interest, are patches prescribed for a period of time and you use them until finished and then you are on your own? Why are you considering moving to an e-cig?

I’m going to fly in the face of current advice and say you should go with whatever feels right for you....but decide soon, and don’t use both.
Have you used an ecig before or is it something you have just bought?

Well Debbie, how is things now?

How is today going for you DMuise - you getting through with just the e-cig?