February 11th is 4 months for me. This past week and this week I have thought about buying a pack of smokes. I can't get it out of my head. Of course, I don't want to, but I don't understand why I've gone this long and am still having cravings and thoughts. The cravings come and go and I can get over those pretty quickly. But the thought won't go away.I mean I can see it. I can taste it. I will say I was a true addict to nicotine. I pretty much was intravenously administering it. I smoked, then chewed the nicotine gum during the day at work. Go home and smoke again. This was everyday for years. Couldn't go to work without it. Drove in ice storms to get that stupid gum. I'd smoke a cigarette and then put a piece of gum in my mouth because I didn't get enough stimulation. I think of how disappointed God would be in me if I started again. He was my motivation for quitting this time. I keep praying for relief. Anyway, enough with my story. When will I be over this "hump"? Because I can't wait to get there.
Feel like I'm crashing: February 11th is... - No Smoking Day
Feel like I'm crashing

Hey KathieO - well done on almost 4 months, this is great
You say these thoughts of smoking have been occurring the last 2 weeks - is there anything significant, different, stressful or something that you have not done before smoke free in this time that may be triggering them? If not, are you going cold turkey or using any help with NRT (apologies, couldn't see anything about this in your previous posts)?
As a matter of fact I am getting ready to paint and do some sprucing up to my bedroom. I have saved enough money and I am giving my bedroom a long over due facelift. It is stressing me out though. I am using chantix. This is my 3rd time taking it. And you know I hate taking it because I feel like it's a crutch. Just like the cigarettes were. I still am taking the meds though.
There is no shame or anything wrong with taking chantix KathieO - they certainly are not a crutch as YOU are doing all the hard work and they just take the edge of the withdrawals.
The first time I painted, had severe cravings - kept on getting what I thought was the lovely smell of gloss paint mixed with cigarette smoke, it was tough and thankfully got through it, was much easier the next time....
Below is a link to a pinned post I done up before Christmas worth a read if not already done so:
Also, perhaps get some herbal and vitamin supplements to help with these feelings....
Thanks Roisin. I really appreciate your listening ear. I guess I just needed to vent. And you know what? This is the first time I have ever let anyone know how much nicotine I was actually using. It's been a secret of mine for years. I am happier through in and out I am a non-smoker. No doubt about that, but boy oh boy, does it make it a journey to travel. I'm really glad this site is here. Thanks for everything.

Hi KathieO and well done on 4 months.
Those thoughts in your head are just thoughts, sounds like nostalgia to me. Try and counter them with thoughts of the reality of smoking... how much it smells, what it does to your lungs, how disgusting it would taste if you had one now, how disappointed you would be in your self...Then think of how far you've come and how much you've achieved in the last 4 months.
Stay strong, keep kicking!

You're very welcome, Kathie. We've all been there, and it's a really tough road, so be proud of how far you've come. To be honest I used the gum to supplement when I could't have a cig too.
Giving up my cigs was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I still have wistful thoughts of how nice it would be to have a smoke with my wine. But I know that I would't enjoy it, and I'd hate myself after. Besides that I just could't face going through that quit again.
4 days to go and then you're on your way to month 5!!!

For me, I think it was between the 6 to 9 month mark that I got over 'the hump' - the link I posted above gives it in more detail, think you are the stage where you really want the time to pass by much quicker and to be feeling better,but its a gradual process as our body has a lot of rewiring, repairing and recovering to do and we don't have the patience - I certainly didn't!! Everyone's recovery is different and take longer than others....

I'd agree with Roisin. I think I felt I might be over the hump at about 6 months onwards.
By then I was feeling so much healthier, my awful, hacking cough had gone, and I was eating everything in sight, (a good thing for me as I was so skinny). I missed my smokes them during sitting outside in the summer with a glass of wine, but it got easier each time.
You're nearly there, hang in there!

Thank you both!

Thank you both. That is really great news. It means im almost there. I will try to keep it together and remember why i wanted to quit in the first place. You guys are awesome!

As others have said the craves go away with time, Kathie. The nostalgia also lessens though I don't think it ever completely goes away. It is similar to why people call themselves recovering alcoholics, instead of former. We are all really recovering nicotine addicts.
But occasional thoughts are a small price to pay for our peace 99+% of the time. Stay strong.
Hi Kayhie .I also quit smoking with Chantix I am 7 months smoke free and I love it !!!
Stay strong you will see that all that sacrifice and effort will pay off the rest of your life ..Give the time for treatment to fully work .
We all have our days of feeling blue the first months but the good news is that it gets easier and easier ..Stay quit !
Kathie ... every single day its an opportunity for you to prevent several cancers and damage to vital organs of your body ..
4 months its excellent 👍and your body has the right to continue healing ..Keep it up 💕

Kathie... In agreement what CocoaX said.....Remember, you got on the dopamine hook. Your brain will use every trick in the book to convince you to smoke. It can present you dozens of arguments in favour of smoking.
This is sometthing I pinned for myself on my journey to understand why and what is happening:
"The Law of addiction states, "Administration of a drug to an addict will cause re-establishment of chemical dependence upon the addictive substance." Mastering it requires acceptance of three fundamental principles:
1. That dependency upon using nicotine is a true chemical addiction, captivating the same brain dopamine wanting relief pathways as alcoholism, cocaine or heroin addiction;
2. That once established we cannot cure or kill an addiction but only arrest it; and
3. That once arrested, regardless of how long we have remained nicotine free, that just one hit of nicotine creates an extremely high probability of full relapse.
Stay strong and glad you took the breather...!

Yep , I can and I am sure plenty others relate to this when a few months down the line ..
I think around the 4th month , I was getting some real strong urges and withdrawal Cravings.. strange , as the month before was fine Andy just getting on with things .
Perhaps , and as others say ..the mind with play tricks to get that fix and tell you that you need it ...
Perhaps , the it’s a final big one from the nico receptors to try grab that fix as it’s getting to the point where your forgetting about cigs maybe...
As I think that was the case with me . As said , was getting on with life without ... then suddenly it was creeping up quite strong and couldn’t believe it tbh ... but just had to do as usual and be strong , diss it , laugh it off Get on with things and it soon went ...
that stage did go ....as your mind gets stronger to fight it , it will get easier ..sure your going to get reminders but treat the same as you’ve done all the others ...
you will do it ... onwards and upwards 💪👍

Thank you all for your replies. Its very comforting. Thanks for being there for my breakdown...😦 I will adhere to all of the advice. Thank you all!

I am at almost 11 months, and I will not lie...I still get cravings. They are nowhere NEAR as intense as they once were and most times they last only a couple of seconds, but I still get them and usually for no reason at all. The other day I was cleaning my kitchen and it came into my head that it would be really nice to go outside into the freezing, snowing cold and have a smoke on my porch. And then...OUTLOUD I said to myself "are you nuts?" And with that, I went on with my day. It happens a few times a week instead of a million times a day, as it used to.
The way I look at it---and we're all different---cigarettes were my friend for 35 years, it's going to take way more time that what I have under my belt to let go 100% of my friend. I take the cravings as they come and move on from them...I have to...I do not want to smoke again and more than that......I DO NOT WANT TO QUIT AGAIN!
I think I would be more angry & upset with myself if I started to smoke again, and I keep this thought in my head and it's proven to help me.
Quitting smoking is not for the faint of heart....hang in there....
Also very proud of you for sharing your addiction...you should thank yourself for that because it's going to help you..getting that off your shoulders may prove to be helpful in your journey!

Hi KathieO,
I have a question for you: Were you satisfied and happy when you smoked? If you think about it, your answer will be no. You always wanted more. Always thinking about the next time you can sneak away. I suspect if you go back - nothing will have change. The only path is forward since most days you are satisfied now. The nico-demon raises it head once in awhile but in between you are finding peace. Hang on to that feeling of peace and calmness!
I have found the last few week to be a bit more challenging in my quit journey (almost 5 months). Not sure why. I'm determined to keep moving forward and joined weight watchers on Monday to remove the 15 lbs of excess. Now I have a new challenge of figuring out how to replace gummy worms and food.
It continues to be an adventure!

Hang in there. This to shall pass.
I know what you mean. I was so feed up with not having any energy that I was thinking about starting back up just to see if my energy would come back. But I found this place and got the encouragement I needed to hang on and the info about needing more vitamins. That has saved me even though I still haven't went for the vitamins yet ( I have Dr appointment Mon) just knowing that this no energy, slug feeling is going to go away saved me from cigarettes. Thank you all XOXO ( especially thanks to the banana farmer LOL )
KathieO we are at the same point in our quits. I felt the same and bought a 0 nicotine vape. Not the best idea i read. It does bring back the hand to mouth. I need to go back to my cut drinking straw. Then nothing.
I wish i had advice. I don't so am just offering understanding. I too get the not wanting to disappoint God. I hoestly thought He let me know He was supposed to be my comfort mot the cigs. Vapes may be same ( for me- am not judging others). Anyway just wamted you to know you're not alone in this weird wanting feeling. Thought we'd be over this by now.
Am going to read all rhe great advice am sure you've gotten now. Will add you in keepin strong and smoke free prayers.
KathieO 4months today!!!!! So proud of you. Its my sis bday so i remembered. Remember you are not alone. Theres others in same boat same time as you. We are going to make it! I keep waiting 2montha. Everyone says 6months after the 3mos crave people seem to be really on their way & seeing lots of improvement. We are so close. Any better after hitting 4months? VERY PROUD OF 4 MONTHS!!!!!!!
I do feel better thank you for thinking of me today! I painted my bedroom this weekend with my cigarette money saved. I started to look at seeing is believing 😀

Hey KathieO - how are you feeling now? Hope you are enjoying your newly painted bedroom, nothing like that fresh paint smell
HI Roisin01, I am feeling better. Thank you for thinking of me My bedroom looks remarkable but I am sick with this sinus cold going around, so that has actually helped (I think?). But I took everyone's advice and looked into myself. I reminded myself of where I want to be in a year and smoking isn't part of the plan.
Ah there is desperate cold and flu's going around, thankfully and touch wood just got the head cold before Christmas but know SO many very bad with flu's - rest up as much as you can and keep hydrated (raw honey and lemon is good to help with the cold symptoms and for the sinuses vaporizing with vicks or Eucalyptus oil at least once a day to clear the nose until it begins to clear).

6 months today KathieO - get your post up girl!!!