Hi people, I quit cold turkey 4 months ago and was managing suprisingly well up untill the past few days. Don't know what happened but can't stop thinking about smoking and its giving me a sore head I
Feel like giving in after 4 months - No Smoking Day
Feel like giving in after 4 months

Hey heedache , huge welcome and congratulations on 4 months smoke free, that is amazing!
I too gave up cold turkey over 7 months ago and I am now the most comfortable and happy in my quit but it has been a roller coaster of a journey. I in fact, have just got through a few bad days.....
Please, do not loose faith, you will get past this, have a look at what is making you think about smoking and fight it, you have done 4 months. I actually went through a stage of thinking about smoking when I turned 6 months and found it was the good weather we had at the time and turning the milestone of 6 months. We can never get complacent in our quits and must be ready to attack at all times.
I promise you heedache, this will pass.....
Thanks for reply RoisinO1 good to hear it will pass. Feel so fragile after feeling so strong and I don't know what has happened to make me feel this way, maybe it is the weather? Just have to soldier on and hopefully feel strong again soon
Thats it heedache , Just could be some thing you are even unaware off that is making you feel this, but you will get your mojo back....post as often as you need to....
PS Will you let me know your quit date for awarding your milestone badges when you get a chance, thanks!

Hiya Heedache, I've been going almost four months and I went through a patch when I could have killed for one a couple of weeks ago. Back to normal now. I'm sure what you're going through will be gone in a day or two.
Is that a Scottish heed or a Geordie heed?
Hi Nozmo , fingers crossed it will pass aye its a Scottish heed haha 😂

Everyone has these turns heedache. And anyone that caved to them has regretted it. Stay strong.

Opening the door with a smile, and a big hello"
Firstly a whole four months is quite incredible, your body is thanking you over and over for quitting.
Sometimes it's the reality that you have quit, now that's a wonderous thing. It's those horrid moments that for some reason makes our quits seem sooooo much harder, but that's the difference, between staying quit or giving in.
I've just consulted my little black book, now I've read it twice, just to make sure, it's saying, this is a hiccup in your journey , and with all hiccups it will pass.
So for today,chocolate, a walk, a glass of something, for tomorrow is a new day, with calmer waters ahead.
Ps doing fantastic
hi heedache
firstly welcome 😆
your 4 Months smoke free.that's excellent
.we all , myselth included have wanted to go to shop and buy fags. 😈
but we didn't let old Smokey win.may have had a blip.but now we all know smoking won't help us feel better.do any good at all.infact all it does is give a massive quilt trip.
so not worth it.dont give in 😈
.4 month.wow.
I will be there soon 😆
its All good 😆
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎
morning heedache
just to show " moments" ht us all.i woke up very sad this morning.(past post) again.never sure why.
sometimes it just happens.But smoking is not the knight in shining armour ☹
anyway everything will work out 😁
its all good
take care😊
keep kicking 😎
Lizzy! I had my smoking ghost experience again this morning! Maybe the thought of a grown man running away from nothing will give you a chuckle 🙂
I hope the day gets better for you.
hi nozmo.
ive just realised I'm still put nazmo.Why?
you and your ghosts 😤
no I'm better now.just board.everyone away.everyone booking hols.
I haven't booked anything yet.don't know what I fancy ha
you take care 😊
keep kicking 😎
Hey Hidden , near the end of the bank holiday weekend
If you are into it, the final session of the World Snooker is back on at 7:00 - been glued to it all weekend, its between Selby (from Leicester) and Ding (from China) and 2 very historic sporting moments could be made tonight, Ding first ever Asian to win World Snooker Championship, currently it is 14-11 to Selby, then Spurs v Chelsea in premiership, if Spurs don't win, Leicester will the premiership, first time ever!!!
no to football ⚽
no to snooker 🎱
no to Rugby 🏈
sorry find so dull.
ha ha
is that teeth grinding
ha ha 😄
so funny 😎
Think its suppose to be a laugh! Maybe it is teeth grinding!!
yes it is laugh.so similar to grinding picture.its so small
but still funny
Forgot to say to you earlier Hidden , if I asked you now, answer straight away, where would you love to go on holidays, answer what comes into your head straight away and look into it, even if not affordable now, it can be a goal for you to do.....
I do love south of France.
but Turkey jumped into my head.❓
we will see
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎
always a giggle somewhere.still crazed maniac still in mind ha
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎

Heedache, welcome. 4 months is amazing. I think that many of us know that there can be ups and downs along the quit journey. I have tried quitting before and fallen down after a number of months, so sympathise - we can do this though.

Hi Heedache...Welcome and huge congrats on your amazing 4 months quit.....
On my four months I found this (and was the turning point in my quit...)
"If you’re not where you want to be right now, take the time to visualize yourself in the place you want to be and take the first step in that direction. You may not be able to change your destination in a day, but you can change your direction right now.
Keep moving along this new path and it will eventually lead you to your destination"
Stay strong and believe in yourself !!!

Don't give in !!! Do t let it take control.... Believe me one fag and you will be back ... If it gets hard i (this will sound disgusting but it works for me) I make myself smell a dirty ashtray as punishment for the thought ....I know I said its disgusting but now When it gets bad I think oh no i can't go smell that ashtray ha ha
my sort of punishment is .
I watch a short advert for stopping smoking
it had a lady on who each day puts her teeth in (lost with smoking)
then her wig.lost hair with cancer treatment
then puts scarce on neck to cover hole in throat.her voice sounds like a computer.
its so scary to me.it always puts me of wanting /having a fag.
just one way to keep me on my chosen road to stopping.
you all take care 😊
keep kicking 😎
Thank you all so much for replying and advice given I feel so much better today especially after reading all your replys! I have wrote down all the reasons for quitting and its on fridge door just to remind me if I ever feel like a smoke again. RoisinO1 my quit date is 15th Dec

Hiya. I feel the same after three months. Someone suggested to me literally writing out all the reasons I quit in the first place and looking at it every time I wanted to smoke. It worked for me. I believe our bodies are still going through the final stages of withdrawal and it will pass
Yeah i think it's a great idea 👍 so many reasons not to smoke...

How are you getting on heedache ?