Just came across this article on new research with vaping/e-cigarettes, interesting and appears the research findings is going in the same way as cigarettes.....is it scare mongering or accurate and not to be dismissed especially if a long term vaper?
New Research on Vaping/E-Cigarettes - No Smoking Day
New Research on Vaping/E-Cigarettes

Hmm, I'm not sure about this. I don't think the article is particulary well written. It seems to me they are referring to nicotine based vaping - or did I read that incorrectly?
That was my interpretation of it too that is nicotine based vaping lagatachocolate which many are doing now, not as stopping aid but replaced instead of smoking (my sister, her finance and many friends are all doing it and have no intention of stopping in the belief that there is no risk.....
I think it is too early to ascertain whether there are long term health issue. I guess the press have to sell papers and will seize on any ‘news’ in order to do so 🙄
I agree with the comments on that article ..!

I'm sceptical of any studies reported by the popular press because they just love to sensationalise things. They cherry pick snippets from the study and report those, but they often put a particular slant on the story by doing that. If you look online there's a vast amount of sites reporting how bad vaping can be for you and there's probably the same amount saying it's perfectly safe; and they all cite scientific studies. The last time I looked there had only been a handful of credible studies carried out so I don't know where they all come from!
We just don't know the long-term effects as far as I can see. We need far more research; carried out by unbiased researchers; funded by unbiased benefactors.
I'll do one if somebody gives me a few hundred thousand quid!

I hear ya about articles in the popular press, don't read these at all and purposely boycott them, but heard it on the radio news headlines today and looked it up to share the article here and it was the best out of a bad bunch of reports on it!!
There was the argument on the radio that research on cigarettes started off the same way...agree though far more research is needed, we will watch this space for Professor Nozmo's findings

I agree with you all. I'm not an expert, but I would say vaping is not safe, but it is much safer than cigarettes. Even with nicotine an e-cig has a handful of ingredients. Cigs have 4,000 including 40+ carcinogens.
Nobody should start vaping if they don't smoke, but there are solid studies that show it can help a person to quit (as can Champix, gum, patches, hypnosis). Though none work for everyone. I think it is easier to reduce nicotine levels with vaping. I remember trying ultra low tar cigarettes and you would never buy a second pack the way they tasted.
I would make the analogy to methadone, it is not healthy, but it can help you quit heroin, and is better for you even if you don't quit altogether.

Excellent reply CocoaXChange
I wonder about this. Good post RoisinO1 . I did purchase a new cartridge for an old ecig. The juice is 0 nicotine. I intended to use it after a particulartlh stressful moment of govt red tape. I thought i was going to cave in to cigs so chose this instead. Instead of it just being for that moment i been "smoking" oops vaping it for 2days! Like a toddler who got its pacifier back. Its a bit frightening the pull its had on me. There is no nicotine in it so am assuming its the hand to mouth part of the addiction, since they say there's nothing addictive in it. We shall see when i put the thing back in its box. Nozmo do you still use your vape? If so is it 0nicotine? If not using was it hard to out it down? Am really enjoying the action of it and dont think i experience craves.
I still have mine but I don't use it any more Exsmo . I do still get the urge but it's a spur of the moment thing and the batteries will be flat anyway so I have no choice! It soon passes. Maybe try going without it and see how it goes? I cut mine out gradually until I finally didn't think about it anymore.
Sorry, not much of an answer but I have my daughter twittering away in my ear and distracting me. I'll come back later on to see what you think.
Hey Exsmo , I am a bit surprised to read that you started vaping 2 days ago as you head into your 5th month smoke free, even thought it is 0% nicotine.
In my opinion, I think this is a little step backwards as you overcame the hand to mouth habit (they say it takes 21 days to break a habit) and now you have restarted this and will have to wean yourself off it again.
I feel that you are far too hard on yourself and don't give yourself enough credit, YOU are doing great and got over worse stressors over the last 4 months (your hospital appointments to name one). Also try not to overthink things, when you first stopped, how severe and frequent were the cravings to what the craving was like you had 2 days ago to make you think you would smoke, was it that severe or was it that you experienced a feeling or situation for the first time smoke free? We will have these situations and feelings throughout our smoke free journey and have to learn how to deal with them (shrug them off), which will get so much easier as time goes by, I promise....
So, I would suggest, putting 'the thing back in its box', YOU CAN DO THIS WITHOUT IT!
PS What happened to your straw?!?!
RoisinO1 it was both. Accumulative from the hospital situation. Its still dragging on with few answers. Then i had to fill out a bunch of governmental paperwork to try and get help for health problems and it is humiliating. The worker treated me as though i were sub human. I understand there are many people who use the system but not everyone. It just makes me want to give up- not on quit, but on trying to find a way to be healthier. No one understands this disease and dr.s have 15 minutes to spend with you and send you home, helped or not. Sorry for the book. Am just feeling pretty down about it all. You are right about backward step, but i was trying to do the lesser of 2 evils & never want to go back to day one. You're also right about hand to mouth. Its like a starving person just came in to a feast. I couldnt put it down, it was false comfort, a pacifier. I dont feel any better. I just hate that being treated less than human when you're already depleted physically & overwhelmed by a disease no one understands. I agree the straw is a much better idea.
I hate asking for help & dont til am beyond desperate so i need to rework my life and find resources somewhere that are better than the ones available. My only real advice is from Israel or Switzerland where there are specialists. The problem is my American dr.s refuse to listen.
Good to see this reply Exsmo , was thinking of you over the weekend and a bit worried.
I can fully understand where you are coming from and the frustration, (what is your condition called as they may be a community here that will be able help and offer support for you). Since I turned 40, 3 years ago, have been thinking a lot about my health and trying to improve it, there have been times in these 3 years that I felt I was falling apart and thinking every little ache and pain was something terrible, still go through bouts of it, think it is a form of anxiety but what has helped me dramatically in the last year is my little fury friend, Charlie, I am so much active now and it doesn't seem like I am exercising when I bring him for long walks, do you have any pets, if not, would this be something you could look into? It really does wonders for the mind and keeps me active and the weight down too...
Ah RoisinO1 i had to put down a 17 yr old dog 3yrs ago. Broke me. Got 2 kittens (2 much for me to deal with) bc i just couldn't get another dog at the time. Heartbreaking as it is I cannot deal w them breaking so much in my home. I should have waited to get a dog. Id lost weight walking my old Connor Leigh. Still miss her & wish i could find a dog as good as she was. As always you have best advise! Havr been trying to find a good home for these two to no avail. I raised them and love them , but the arr very destructive in such a tiny house. Don't have the heart to put them outside or financrs to repair all that could happen out there..fleas/fights w strays, poision ivy one always jumps into...etc
Its called Familial Mediterranian Fever or FMF for short. I didnt see one. I belong to a closed fb site with tons of info. Problem is my drs refuse to look at it. Also this thyroid issue is not getting addressed properly and im losing loads of hair. Dr feels like waiting 6more months. I have to find a new dr and have 0 energy! Insurance nurse called & found a rheumotolgist that is under my plan so there may be hope yet! Pray it be so. Vision is also affected so I need a break asap❗️
Hey Exsmo - sorry about your dog Connor Leigh, can't bare to even think about life now without Charlie and we only have him a year on 28 February, never thought I would bond so much with a dog and my love for him grows each day - hubby says to not think about this and just enjoy the time with him (hopefully another 12 years of life).
If you put your cats into your local pet shelter and maybe look at adopting a dog from there too that would suit your needs....
I had a look through the HealthUnocked communities and came across this one - its not directly related to FMF but seems to have some info on it, although not sure about the activity on it but maybe there is some info or support you can get in your area: healthunlocked.com/abda
Have you any friends or relatives in the medical profession that could move things along for you or give you support with the doctor?
Wishing that things will improve for you - will be putting up another segment from my diary shortly that might cheer you up, even if it just brings a quick smile, can do wonders
Yeah, I agree with Roisin. I would be tempted to try to get out of the habit of using the ecig as quickly as possible. You're not taking in any nicotine but you're getting back to the hand to mouth habit. It's a lot easier to stop using a 0% ecig than it is to quit smoking so I would give it a try.
Agree with Roisin and Nozmo Exsmo - it is going backwards after being over 4 months smoke free and creating the hand to mouth habit again, try to stop if you can, we are here to help if cravings are too intense for you....

Drawing chemicals, drugs and toxins into your brain and bloodstream through your lungs via a "vaping" system is harmful. What exactly did people think? That it was healthy? Check what snorting Speed and Coke does to a user's robust snotty nasal passages in a few months. What do people actually think will happen to the spiderweb of tiny blood vessels which are only designed for the transfer of Oxygen into the human bloodstream.
Everyone... use you lungs to breathe and NOTHING else.
But heck... the pushers are selling and the mugs are buying. Go right ahead.