I don't really want to go into to much detail, but I messed up and lit up. 😖 starting the process again. I'm thinking I didn't factor going through the icky third of no e CIA so now I'll know to be better prepared but I'm just SO disappointed in myself but I will make it. I know it.
So I just had a slip... : I don't really... - No Smoking Day
So I just had a slip...

Hello Pattygirl,
Well you’re doing the right thing again by getting straight back to it, and you’ve learned something along the way so that’s great. It’s all a learning process.
Have you considered sticking to the ecig for longer? I know some people almost regard them as “cheating” but it’s your quit and you need to do it at a pace that’s right for you, using a method that’s right for you. I used an ecig as a quitting aid and I didn’t feel comfortable with weaning myself off it until around 6 months. There are a few others on here who have used one, and although they stopped using theirs after a shorter time period than me they still waited until the time was right for them. As I’ve said before it’s much easier to come off the ecig than it is the real things and you can gradually reduce the nicotine amount until you get down to 0%. Just a suggestion of course; I reiterate that you need to do it your way.
By the way, I’m not talking about anyone on here when I mention people who are against ecigs – the “e CIA” would be an apt name for the ecig haters! (taken from your typo :-)) I always received great support here in my efforts and the only criticism I got of them was from smokers who scoffed, and mainly from a friend’s partner who said I was just swapping one addiction for another. Well she was wrong. (Can you tell I hold a grudge!)
"e_cia" I like it for a hater. Reading your comment, I feel a lot better. I almost did't post about my slip but I'm glad I did now.
Good for you for being honest, it would have been easy just to say nothing. I hope the rest of the day goes well.
Nothing wrong with grudges Nozmo Well maybe a little.
Here in USA all the ecigs contain nicotine I used them at the beginning they are helpful .
But then I needed to clean up the nicotine so I changed to vape pen the refillable with zero nicotine .
For me it was a good transition !
I have to say we are all different .And we should try anything to quit cigarets !
Thank you Karina. I'm in the USA as well, in a small to in Georgia. I have an e-cig for now but have been considering making the switch to a pen for reducing my nicotine intake. Not sure but for now the e-cig is carrying me through so I am gonna stick to it and hold off on the no nicotine at all thing until I. More comfortable with things as they are. I think the e-cigs seems to be helping me best but if I find something different works I'll switch to that but for whatever keeps me from stealing another is what I will be doing.

Hi Patty, have you read One day at a time... in the pinned posts? I found it really helpful. All the best, you can do this

Patty, good to get right back at it. I also tried countless times before I succeeded. I used the e-cig and found it helpful. I wound down to 0% nic and after a while I just didn't need it.
For me and some other smokers the hand-mouth action was an essential part of smoking and the e-cig is good for imitating that.
hi Pattygirl1992
its not the end of the world,
you've started again,that's good.
you wont be the first and certainly not last
I tried several times and I stoped smoking using e-sig,whatever people say its got to be better than smoking cigs,
keep your vape,keep using it,one day when you get down to 3-4 strength you will just stop it.
maybe a month,maybe a year,I don't think it matters,just 4000 less chemicals in your body.
you did good telling us,honesty is a big part of stopping,no one will condem you,we don't do that.
you keep posting
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎
Thank you for those kinds words and encouragements Lizzy. It helps so much to be reminded that a slip is not the end. I will definitely keep going.
you go girl 😁
you are very welcome,you ca do this
take care 😊
don't forget your little treats,you deserve em,
just a "bath bomb" soak in bath,a bunch of flowers 💐
do keep kicking 😎

Hey Pattygirl1992 - sorry to read you have had a slip but well done on getting straight back on the horse and also huge respect for your courage and honesty to come on here to share....
I know its easier said than done, but put your previous attempt behind you and give this one your all, you know what made you slip and as long as you learn from it, you will succeed, I promise. We have had several members stop using an e-cig and are now over 1 and 2 years cigarette and e-cig free. As advised from members above, perhaps, have a look through their journeys (another member was Jean) - their profile links are below to see their journeys
Also, please stay close to us if struggling and do up an SOS post, we can help you get through it, as below
Thank you roisin. I will look through the pinned post and try to do better about getting on here when struggling. The support has been amazing. And seeing everybody come here to celebrate with me for my good days and encouraging me now on a hard day, I just can't express my gratitude enough. I am not giving up now though I do feel disappointed in myself. I can let this be a lesson and move on. Thank you

Hey everybody, I just wanted to slide on here and thank everyone again. I tried to reply individually but I wanted everybody to know how thankful I am for each and everyone of you for taking time out of your day to let me know about your individual journeys and tough spots. I may not be posting on here for the next few days because I have twelve hour work days. But even if I don't post I will be reading comments or other posts during my breaks at work to help me through the days. I just wanted to let you all know that this group has already saved my life a bit. And to thank you all one more time. Good night and have a great weekend
do try pop your head in,just one comment to something,
just say hello,I'm ok 😁
take care 😊
Yes Pattygirl start the process again .
Quitting is already in your mind and you will succeed .
Stay strong eventually your body will be clean of addictive nicotine and it will be much easier to stay quit !
Herbal tea is excellent too !

A slip is not a relapse. Keep going forward with your quit plan. I know your disappointed but you can still come out shining.
Hi pattygirl
Do not beat yourself up about your slip. If you look youll see Ive had many. But Im going to keep quiting till it sticks! Tell yourself it doesnt mean anything except that you are human. This is what new days are for. I think its such an opportunity that we can restart every day and put the previous day behind us and leave it there.