Almost day 8 and cannot sleep.: Ok so days... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Almost day 8 and cannot sleep.

Kimmarienorrie profile image
Kimmarienorrie1 Year Smoke Free
26 Replies

Ok so days 1 to 7 were prity cruisey, not to bad really besides sum headaches and aches and pains. It is 11.45 pm and i am due back at work tmrw. I have had no cravings except for one hiccup which i mananged. I can't sleep not sure why really but i was just reading people's comments on day 8 and wondering if there's any advise as it sounds like its going to be tough. Thankyou i will see if i can sleep now as i start super early on my first day back after 2 weeks of RnR. Gee in 8 minutes it will be day 8 of being a non smoker.

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Kimmarienorrie profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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26 Replies
Tracey3 profile image
Tracey31 Year Smoke Free

And that day 8 is so inportant, it’s quite common to have advers situations, it it will pass, so pleased you are with us.

Only one thing left to say. Congratulations your body will thankyou, of course it’s going to take time for you to adjust, but adjust it willl, with ever mr nico knocking at your door.

Stay strong, your worth it, and take one day at a time


Kimmarienorrie profile image
Kimmarienorrie1 Year Smoke Free in reply to Tracey3

Thankyou for your response. Bring on day 8. Im excited to go back to work to see all my little people as well. So that will definitely help :)

Sutton1 profile image
Sutton13 Months Smoke Free

Hi yes sleep can be a issue pains to breathing aswell all sorts I gave up 9weeks ago and it’s been so hard and the battle as taken over my life but I’m still smoke free no iv got this taste in me mouth and it’s all over my teeth that’s how it feels it’s driving me mad it comes and goes but I hope you go on ok and if you really won’t this keep going I hope talk to you again take care xxxx

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Sutton1

Welcome Sutton1 to our community and huge congratulations on 9 weeks (can you confirm your stop date for your milestone badges)

Have you got a check up with your dentist since you stopped as gum disease is a very common withdrawal as smoking masked like so many things dental issues. It is very important we get a check up done as if left it could up being very costly to sort out....

We look forward to reading your progress :)

Phobicmaniac profile image
Phobicmaniac2 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

I cannot reiterate enough Roisin's excellent advise about going to the dentist Sutton1 I stopped over 2 years ago and never went to a dentist as had a fear of them, finally plucked up the courage at the end of summer as my teeth had deteriorated very badly - the work I have got done (not finished yet!) has set me back €2,000 so far :O

Well done on 9 weeks :)

Sutton1 profile image
Sutton13 Months Smoke Free in reply to Phobicmaniac

Thankyou for your advice I will make a appoiment for a check up and it’s good to have this support with quit it’s the hardest think iv ever done hope to talk soon xxx

Sutton1 profile image
Sutton13 Months Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Hi my quit date wos 30 October 2017 thankyou for your surpport as this as been a he’ll train andim still on it and hope everyone on this train does well and good luck to all in 2018 xx

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Sutton1

I promise Sutton1 the hell train will soon be a thing of the past and you will be travelling Orient Express, stay strong :)

Sutton1 profile image
Sutton13 Months Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thankyou and you made me smile about the quit journey it’s the first time iv laugh about it and I thankyou for that and I’ll keep going bercause you say their is a light at the end of this tunnel xxxx god bless you xxxxx😀

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Sutton1

How are you now Sutton1 ?

Sutton1 profile image
Sutton13 Months Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Hi I’m not to bad still smoke free breathing abit better today goes away then comes back got some pains in my arms again only started when I give up smoking need go back dogtors again I think but not to bad and I have only had about 4-5 cums today hope be able get to none soon thankyou for your message it helps to no some one cares about you when you are on this quit journey hope talk soon 😀😀😀😀😀 take care xxx

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Sutton1

Hey Sutton1 The pains in your arms are a common withdrawal as your lungs, heart and blood stream start to repair and function properly but definitely go back to your doctors just to put your mind at ease - yes, our journeys can be very lonely and even after 2 years here, I would be lost without it as it is like a second 'online' family to me :O

Don't be afraid to post anytime, if you create a new post, it will appear in the news feed and seen by alot more members to help and just have a chat if you want...

Sutton1 profile image
Sutton13 Months Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Hi I did not no that you can get pains in your arm when you give up smoking it’s waking me in the night and my hand is numb sometimes it’s scary but I’m going try keep going thank you for your message you are a good person and we are lucky we have someone to talk about all this god bless you and take care xx😀😃😄😁😇

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Sutton1

Still go to your doctor just for reassurance....let us know how you get on....

Thank you for your kind words, wishing you strength :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

How is things now Sutton1 - did you go to your doctor?

watchinangga profile image
watchinangga9 Months Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Totally agree with Roisin for the dental issues. I already came across her advise in the first few weeks when I quit and I thought I will not go through the dental thing but I had to. When I went to the dentist for a check up, I had my teeth cleaned and was also advised to put flourine treatment due to my teeth were becoming weak. After that, I underwent the painful teeth whitening procedure then had my wisdom tooth removed because it was decaying. It's really true that smoking can mask many dental issues. But now, I'm not regretting anything because I am more than confident to smile and I've dealt with all my dental issues bravely.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to watchinangga

Excellent reply watchinangga - great to have you back with us and over 100 days, you are doing so well :)

watchinangga profile image
watchinangga9 Months Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you Roisin. Really proud of my achievement and thanks for the support of everyone here in this forum.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Huge welcome to our community Kimmarienorrie and congratulations on Day 8! Day 8 was the day I posted here for the first time as was literally pulling my hair out, that was over 2 years ago and here to tell the tale. I stopped cold turkey as just wanted the nicotine out of my system as soon as possible. It was a bumpy road, very bumpy at times, but with the right positive mindset, belief, knowledge and staying close to this community I have achieved the best thing in my life to be enjoying life again and not hiding behind Mr Nico that I done for 27 years.

Sleep disruption is the most common withdrawals from stopping, it will settle down soon I promise - try deep breathing exercises to help relax you,

Below is a link to some helpful posts worth a read if not already done so:

Post anytime about anything, we are here to help :)

Phobicmaniac profile image
Phobicmaniac2 Years Smoke Free

Welcome Kimmarienorrie - as advised above sleep disruption is pretty normal when we stop, it will pass, stay close to this amazing forum, read up on pinned posts and other members stories here, you are doing great :)

Kimmarienorrie profile image
Kimmarienorrie1 Year Smoke Free in reply to Phobicmaniac

Well so far so good. Got through my morning with flying colours at work. Now on my lunch break am so hungry as i had a healthy breaky instead of coffee and a ciggie and i guess breaky maded me very hungry during the day. I am opting for a healthy lunch to keep my energy up. So fingers crossed for the rest of my day 8, i hope my sleep tonite is good as i barely slept last night and i feeling both mentally and physically drained. But i am still a non smoker yay :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Kimmarienorrie

Thats great to read Kimmarienorrie - keep it up!

The sleep disturbance may last for a while longer but it should improve as each day passes smoke free, try not to get anxious about it and know and take reassurance that it is your body rewiring, repairing and recovering and only short term :) The body is a remarkable thing at healing :O

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

How are you getting on now Kimmarienorrie and how is the sleep, any improvement?

Kimmarienorrie profile image
Kimmarienorrie1 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

I am now day 10 and no the sleep iz worse. When i did sleep well i had no energy which was day 7. I am prity flat and headachey but still getting tbrew. It could also be that i had 2 weeks off work and was well rested. My routine is now getting back up at 5.30 am. Someone suggested maybe needing more magnesium so after work to ill suss it out. Sooo tired and its only Wednesday but still a non smoker and content.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Kimmarienorrie

Hey Kimmarienorrie , as advised above the sleep disruption is one of the most common withdrawals from nicotine as your brain is re-wiring to no longer getting nicotine and all the other poisonous chemicals (over 5,000 from 1 cigarette) so you are will have to ride it out, but I promise it will improve soon.

The suggested magnesium is a great idea and may help - be kind to yourself for these next few weeks, lots of pampering, baths, facials etc... Also it might be worth a trip to your local health food shop for herbal supplements, explain you have stopped and the withdrawals you are experiencing.

But above all, stay close to us and share your experiences, good or bad (the good by far outweigh the bad :) )

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

How is things now Kimmarienorrie ?

PS Was meant to post this to you sooner that may help with the sleep, perhaps, relaxing in a bath with some scented candles - I find Lavender or Vanilla very good at relaxing, I also got a Himalayan Salt lamp for Christmas which I have on locker beside my bed, I leave it on several hours before I go to bed and not sure if its just all in the head but sleeping like a baby since I got it :)

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