6 weeks!: Hi everyone! Life has been crazy... - No Smoking Day

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6 weeks!

Alynnk0821 profile image
15 Replies

Hi everyone! Life has been crazy for me lately. I just got over strep and the flu at the same time. I went 4 days without my patch (step 2) and put it back on even though the nicotine was out of my system. I know my success will be greater if I finish the entire program so I am trucking through! I bought step 3 last night and did a happy dance in the middle of the store. I never in my life thought I would see this day. I wish my dad was alive to see me quit. He passed last year from cancer caused by smoking and before he passed told me "I expect you to quit". Well, I did! I hit 6 weeks on Monday. It's nice because my week rollover day for the pregnancy is also on Monday so I am now 11 weeks pregnant! The bipolar is still kicking my butt pretty bad...I threw a glass of water across the kitchen yesterday morning but I cleaned it up and kept going. My job is still horrible, I'm regretting getting that accounting degree more and more...I keep praying that my husband gets his promotion sooner than later so I can go back to work at the daycare where my children go. I love that place but teachers get paid crap...

Ok now I'm rambling...have a great day everyone!

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Alynnk0821 profile image
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15 Replies
RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Lovely post Alynnk0821 and huge well done on 6 weeks, that is fantastic!

Sorry to read about your Dad, but I am sure he is looking down and getting you through this wonderful journey - continue to keep us updated :)

Laureenc profile image
Laureenc1 Year Smoke Free

Wow, have you been hit with it or what?! Strep and flu?! Yikes. Puts my laryngitis and chest infection to shame. Seriously, I thought I was bad. I do understand why you chose to continue the patch treatment- it is not sound medical advice (I am not a doctor nor do I portray one on TV), but being off your meds and having hormonal fluctuations I think weaning off would be best. I'm so sorry you had lost your father. What a huge loss and how beautiful of you to suffer through this quit to agree with his request. I'm sorry you threw a glass. It just sounds like it's really been a trying time on you. Thank you for making time to get on here and get it out. Quitting can only be done by you but it doesn't have to be a lonely journey. Albeit, I'm here for you, but it's a tad hard to assist in cleaning up glass from the floor via the web. Sorry. You're on your own with that one.

Alynnk0821 profile image
Alynnk0821 in reply to Laureenc

Thank you Laureenc...I feel like if I could take my meds all of this would be easier. Monday will be 12 weeks pregnant...28 to go! In 4 weeks I do get to start taking some sort of medication again...not what I need to be on but something to help a little so that is a relief. Right now the only thing I can do is pray for snow...Still nothing here in Central Illinois...a girl can dream:) I will have to get a belly pic this weekend to share with you all. I look 7 months pregnant haha! I love showing this early because I can milk it more with my husband and kids...I'm rotten I know!

Exsmo profile image
Exsmo in reply to Alynnk0821

I used to live in central Illinois. A small town called Mattoon. When i was 7ish we had snow that drifted to the top half of out two story house. We or Dad had to shovel us a path out of the house. Was a lot of fun for us bc we didn't have to dig all that! Congrats on your quit, your pregnancy and a sweet little family. I agree with Roison about your Dad seeing you (actually th bible says so too .::end of Hebrews 11 beginning of chapt 12) Daddy's never lose love for their little girls, am sure he is very proud of you. Do you know Mattoon? Am related to Stark's that liv d there.

Alynnk0821 profile image
Alynnk0821 in reply to Exsmo

Oh my gosh! I am in Decatur! 45 minutes from Mattoon! Did you hear about the unfortunate shooting that took place in the high school a few months ago in Mattoon? Luckily a teacher attacked the shooter and no one was injured. Small world! Unfortunately we have had zero snow so far this year and there is not any in the forecast. I blame a lot of that on the factories around here killing the ozone layer above us :). Thank you...I have been giving a lot of thought as to what is triggering my mood swings and everything comes back to my place of work. I am trying to find a way where I don't have to work until after I have the baby but that is quite difficult as we are used to a two salary income. Tomorrow will be my 50 day badge!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Alynnk0821

Have you at 50 days today Alynnk0821 - stop date 29 October?

Exsmo profile image
Exsmo in reply to RoisinO1

RoisionO1 you are so on top of all our days on here. Brava to you!!! It is very encouraging.

Alynnk0821 profile image
Alynnk0821 in reply to RoisinO1

October 30th!!!

Exsmo profile image
Exsmo in reply to Alynnk0821

Small world indeed! My ex husband (deceased @53 from his addictions) worked at ADM building some of those buildings. Soo much pollution. We lived in Bethany- halfway between Decatur & mattoon

Exsmo profile image
Exsmo in reply to Alynnk0821

Alynn i had a call while replying to you so back to finish now. 1 Extrememly proud of your 50 days soon. That is quite an accomplishment and am sure you are enjoying it. 2. Yes i had heard of shooting. I went to that school. Chilling. There has to be a way to stop bullying. Am a bit old school & w/out starting any political tants will say I deserved every spanking i ever got. My older sister was bullied. 2years younger than her i didnt stand for it in grade school now 100 years later i still don't. I think the boy who bullied her would rather have gotten a spankin from his parents too!(rather than from her little sister!) Very sad situation when kids feel they have no choice. Mattoon. There are still godly people there who, i hope, will be reaching out to both families. Might call and check up on that. Thanks for reminder. Am now almost 400 miles away. Again you are doing so well being almost 50 days quit. Nice to know someone in an area i know doing so well in this same struggle. I was on here first day you posted :)

Laureenc profile image
Laureenc1 Year Smoke Free in reply to Alynnk0821

Haha, take being spoiled while you can- you know better than me what's to come. Lol. And hoping that the new meds do help out, but really proud of your quit with all that you've been dealt. We've had some snow here in New York that you're welcomed to. Brr. It was frigid but warm front coming to melt it all away. Would love love love a belly pic! I'm sure we'd all agree on that. You're really doing great! You go lil mama!

Alynnk0821 profile image
Alynnk0821 in reply to Laureenc

Thank you! I would love to take your snow. I was in the Macy's parade as a cheerleader about 20 years ago. I loved New York City at Christmas time...so magical.

Laureenc profile image
Laureenc1 Year Smoke Free in reply to Alynnk0821

Not to gloat but yes that's one thing I adore about the city. How festive it becomes. Love the garland, wreaths, twinkling lights, all of the warmth and expressions of the holidays. And what a memory you must have being in the parade performing! Hope you have pictures! And I also hope to keep hearing your progress.

Laureenc profile image
Laureenc1 Year Smoke Free

How are you? Happy New Year!

Exsmo profile image

Hows everything Alynn? Am @ 3months and sometimes its alot easier, sometimes i really crave. How are you? Still quit or not we care about yoh here and would like to know how you are.

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