Tomorrow morning marks my 90th day without any nicotine. Been through the anxiety and heart palpitations and lungs repairing themselves. Never lose hope my fellow quitters. I’ve literally felt my circulation and lungs improve every time. I even had a dream I was smoking and woke up so mad at myself to realize I didn’t. Continue to stay strong and be delighted you made the steps so far
90 Days Strong: Tomorrow morning marks my... - No Smoking Day
90 Days Strong

Diddydelz... Huge congrats on 90 Days...Well done !!!

Well done. Its nice to see people well ahead of me giving me hope. My husband cant wait for my circulation to get better, his fed up with my cold feet 👣
It’s going to feel weird, tingling fingers, quick pulsations all throughout your body, I wish somebody told me before I started my quit, it gave me crazy anxiety. It’s just the body healing all will be great and your husband will be very happy to not have ice feet in bed

Great to hear from you Diddydelz - you are plodding along nicely, keep in touch with us when you can
Way to go Diddydelz! So tingling is a sign of healing??? Ive been wondering if i had a stroke in my sleep lol! Am at almost 60 days i think.. anyway hands and an arm & leg tingle so weird. Thanks for posting about it. First time ive heard. Again BIG CONGRATS on 90 days. Awesome.
I’ve had tingling that lasted for a couple weeks and my feet sweat and and things that I thought were heart palpitations but in reality, it’s your circulation healing, your nerve synapses reconnecting and cilia growing and a lil dash of anxiety. Try to stay active to even think about some of these symptoms. I make it a goal to pump some iron everyday
Thanks for advice. Have been to dr and she didnt say anything aboit this! Funny, but i dont think anyone is aware of all out changes unless they've experienced it.
Absolutely but the changes occur for a full year and up to two depending how long you smoked and etc. symptoms just get bad from time to times but you just gotta remember we cause this damage and we have to heal from it