Real bad day today..... Smoking seemed to be all I could think of! Really hope tomorrow is better for my day off work
Struggling on: Real bad day today... - No Smoking Day
Struggling on

Hang in there. We all go through those rough patches, but don't let those stank cigs win. You've come too far. Good luck and stay strong!

Hey thorpey11 , good to hear from you. Yeah you will have these bad days but the good days by far outweigh them - I found at this of your quit, early nights worked wonders when had a bad day, keep fighting, I promise it will get easier
PS Well done on posting and getting through today!
Thanks I would love to get early nights but I'm a pub manager lol
Ouch...Really hope it is a no smoking pub...Strongs !!
It Is!! Really good set of regular customers as well so all is good I just tend to be more sleep deprived haha
I would imagine the smell of customers coming back in from a smoke would be enough to turn you off lighting up, that is one thing I find repulsive is being out socializing and the stink of smokers when they return, especially ones in your company....hope today is a better day for you?