I am really trying my hardest with these tablets. I am now on day 11 and I’m still smoking, not as much as I used to, I’m cutting down to about 4 roughly a day, I had a small relapse and smoked like I used to, but I am really, really struggling, is there any advice that anyone could give that could help me?
Struggling: I am really trying my hardest... - No Smoking Day

Oh, I’m on day 11 of champix

Hi Nicolaclare01......this helped me out when I needed it the most. Hope it finds you well.
(Whyquit.com. October 2018)
Take it "One Day at a Time"
This concept is taught by almost all programs which are devoted to dealing with substance abuse or emotional conflict of any kind. The reason that it is so often quoted is that it is universally applicable to almost any traumatic situation.
Dealing with quitting smoking is no exception. Along with NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF!, ONE DAY AT A TIME is the key technique which gives the smoker the strength to successfully quit smoking and stay free from the powerful grip of nicotine dependence.
When first quitting, the concept of ONE DAY AT A TIME is clearly superior to the smoker thinking that he will never smoke again for the rest of his life. For when the smoker is first giving up smoking, he does not know whether or not he wants to go the rest of his life without smoking. Most of the time the smoker envisions life as a non-smoker as more stressful, painful, and less fun.
It is not until he quits smoking that he realizes his prior thoughts of what life is like as a non-smoker were wrong. Once he quits he realizes that there is life after smoking. It is a cleaner, calmer, fuller and, most important, healthier life. Now the thought of returning to smoking becomes a repulsive concept. Even though the fears have reversed, the ONE DAY AT A TIME technique should still be maintained.
Now, as an ex-smoker, he still has bad moments every now and then. Sometimes due to stress at home or work, or pleasant social situations, or to some other indefinable trigger situation, the desire for a cigarette surfaces. All he needs to do is say to himself, I won't smoke for the rest of today; tomorrow I will worry about tomorrow. The urge will be over in seconds, and the next day he probably won't even think of a cigarette.
But ONE DAY AT A TIME should not only be practiced when an urge is present. It should be practiced daily. Sometimes an ex-smoker thinks it is no longer important to think in these terms. He goes on with the idea he will not smoke again for the rest of his life. Assuming he is correct, when does he pat himself on the back for achieving his goal? When he is lying on his deathbed he can enthusiastically proclaim, "I never smoked again." What a great time for positive reinforcement.
Every day the ex-smoker should wake up thinking that he is not going to smoke that day. And every night before he goes to sleep he should congratulate himself for sticking to his goal. Because pride is important in staying free from cigarettes. Not only is it important, but it is well deserved. For anyone who has quit smoking has broken free from a very powerful addiction. For the first time in years, he has gained control over his life, rather than being controlled by his cigarette. For this, he should be proud.
So tonight, when you go to sleep, pat yourself on the back and say, "Another day without smoking, I feel great." And tomorrow when you wake up, say, "I am going to try for another day. Tomorrow I will deal with tomorrow." To successfully stay free from smoking, TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME and - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF!

Welcome Nicolaclare01 - below is a link to another pinned post worth a read:
There is other pinned posts you can go through too which may be helpful aswell. We look forward to seeing your day 1 post very soon. Remember, champix is not the magic pill, it just takes the edge of cravings, you have to do alot of work yourself mentally especially when you put out that last cigarette - we will be here to help with this
Hi Nicola. I did a 12 week course of Champix and found it really helped. Everyone seems different on it. My nurse told me I had to stop smoking on day 8 but that didn’t work for me. I actually smoked for six weeks, just one a day towards the end. Then stopped. I finished the course about eight weeks ago. Still not easy but I’ve never lasted this long on a quit and wouldn’t have done it without the Champix. I really admire anyone who goes cold turkey from the start. Don’t give up!
I’m down to 3-4 a day at the moment and my giving up date is Monday, I do want to give up, but I’ve got people constantly asking questions and criticising me for still smoking, I snapped this morning and said it’s my lifestyle and not yours to my mum who is also a smoker, I’m finding it extra hard because I’m losing weight, I’ve temporarily stopped drinking and I’m trying to give up smoking. So I am finding it hard.
Hey Nicolaclare01 , how are you getting on? Did you stop yesterday? Family can be very insensitive especially smokers as they wish they could stop too and get defensive. Try to pass no remarks.
I would suggest tackling just stopping smoking for the moment, any weight gain can be addressed if needs be when you are stronger and more settled in your journey. Excellent idea to stop/cut out the alcohol short term as it is a big relapse trigger....
I’ve bought some nicorette gum to help me out, I feel that it’s working to help as I’m barely smoking now, I’ll have one in the morning and one after food, but this weekend I’m going to stop completely and break the habit.
I officially had my last cigarette 6pm Friday night. It is now 12:15am Monday and the urge to have a cigarette is still there, but I do not want one. I’m glad that my parents went on holiday because it has made it so much easier for me to give up. I am doing in my opinion really well, but still got a long way to go yet.
I’ve been ok, I’ve been finding things to do as I can get bored really easy. I’m going to have my hardest task tomorrow, I’m off to a Halloween party and I know there will be some sort of temptation, so I will be taking my chewing gum with me to help me.
Its vital to keep busy - what I done was a 'to do' list of stuff that I put on the long finger for ages and worked through it in the evenings and weekends, from decluttering to cleaning walls, I cleaned everything in site
Wishing you strength for your biggest test tomorrow, it will be tough especially as you are so early on your journey and in the thick of the mental battle as your body is gradually rewiring, repairing and recovering. Keep us posted
1 week today Nicolaclare01 - hope you have a wee treat lined up for yourself
I stood in the garage with my mum and dad yesterday, they were smoking as they wanted to tell me about their holiday and I stood there and didn’t even acknowledge the fact I wanted a ciggie, infact, I wanted a cup of tea!!
I am even finding it easier as the winter nights are coming in, as it’s too cold outside! But I feel fine around other people now.
I treated myself to a new handbag yesterday 👍🏻 Bought myself a lovely Radley bag as a treat for doing so well 😊
4 weeks smoke free this week!
I was doing so well, in a way I still am, but I've been going out for a drink with my friends at weekends and have been succumbing to a couple of cigarettes when I'm out, it doesn't help that my friends smoke and I hate missing out on things, but other than that, I won't have one in the week when I'm at home or in work, it just seems to be when I have a drink, I want to tell my mum as I feel that people will tell her (I'm 28 btw!!) But I feel that she will shoot at me and not understand what is actually going through my head....