Day 6, Not Good. : Day 6 vaping. Not feeling... - No Smoking Day

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Day 6, Not Good.

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free
13 Replies

Day 6 vaping. Not feeling the vape today. It just doesn't seem to be giving me the "kick" that I need. I'm just not enjoying the vape and I DONT want to go to the shop...

I'm on 18 mg which is high enough for me. Every day was great except today. I guess this is my "day 3."

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LeesaD profile image
2 Years Smoke Free
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13 Replies
RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Hey LeesaD , You are in the thick of the mental battle as your brain re-wires and repairs from all the poisonous damage from cigarettes. I promise, it will get easier as each day passes, just take it hour by hour, day by day, keep busy, lots of water, bit of exercise. You are going to get bad days - quite a few of them, but good news, for everyone overcome, you will be stronger to deal with the next one, embrace the journey and get that sword up ready to attack at all times, you can do it!

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

It happens Leesa, cravings just seem to come out of nowhere. I wish I could tell you why it happens but I haven't got a clue! Try to keep yourself busy to take your mind off it as much as you can.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

By the way LeesaD - you have your first big milestone of 1 week today, be very proud, great achievement, treat yourself :P

CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor

As Nozmo states the cravings are often random. I hope they are gone by now, but when they pop up try to concentrate on something else such as exercise, reading, a project, or anything that helps you ignore smoking urges.

mushen profile image
mushenValued Contributor

Stick with it. The more you use your vape, the more used to it you will become. Don't go to the shop. You are doing so well, far too well to give in now. Remember , unless you are going to smoke forever then you will have to quit at some point. If you give in now then you will have to do this all over again.

Plod on. You have got this far. Keep going.

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free

Hi there Leesa,

I'm vaping too and although it makes things easier, by no means does it make giving up smoking easy!! I'm into day 36 and I've had some cracking high days where I feel so on top of it, today is not one of those days!!!

Be kind to yourself, remember that you are supporting your quit and not replacing smoking with vaping, well for me that is the case.

You are doing soooo well!!! Get that treat, run on the spot, have a bath, do anything to take your mind off the shop, render it not an option. This is the best place to get support so keep coming back here, you will get through this :)

Above all, be kind to yourself x

hi LeesaD

you are doing great ,some days will be hard and some will be easy 😁

you've took your first big steps 😁

carry on and fight the urge 😁

take care 😊

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Hey LeesaD - how are you doing now, haven't heard from you since this morning? Hope you are ok? Let us know if you can.....

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free

thanks everyone for the replies. It means a lot to have such amazing support and I love ❤ love ❤ love ❤ this site. Hey Roisin no shop. Fought the craving time after time thank God... Tomorrow is a new day. I appreciate everyone taking the time to reply and to you Roisin for asking again after me. Going to have a bath now while my wee ones are in bed and chill... Might even have a take away. How mad am I?? Lol.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to LeesaD

Not at all LeesaD , proud of ya girl :) Enjoy that takeaway, thats all I done this weekend was eat comfort food, catch up on sky plus masterchef uk series and sleep - love weekends like that :)

PS Hercu the current series of Masterchef UK has their finals week in Cape Town, finalists got to cook in Luke Dale Roberts kitchen,(the Test Kitchen) very talented and simplistic cooking, have you heard of him?

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to LeesaD

🎉❤️ you did it!!!!! (Isn't Roisin lovely..)

Congratulations on managing a tough one lovely 😊

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free in reply to jobm1

thanks jobm1! It's past midnight. I made it to a week! Lol

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to LeesaD

Morning!! YES!!!!!! Well done!!! ☺️💪🏻🎉

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