Hello. I'm a female who just turned 22. I have been trying to quit for a month but no luck. The hardest thing for me is that all the house smokes cigarettes and hookah and if they didn't see you smoking they offer you one lol. But I'm willing to go over this habit. I tried two times to quit the first I stayed 7 days without smoking and it was horrible due to craving. The last time I stayed 2 days with mo craving due to my tricks but midterm stress got me rushing to the old habit.
Years of smoking : 6 years of smoking half a pack a day.
My method : cold turkey.
What I found helping my craving due to last time : unsweetened green tea after meals and sweets kinda give me the same taste in my mouth as cigarettes did after meals, and lemon drops when craving without a reason, and tons of water. But green tea helps a ton.