Thought I would put a quick post up just to say, smoking my last few cigs now as a new day/fresh start dawns tomorrow these things really taste nasty and we all to need to remember that as we start our smokefree futures, if anyone is well into there quit and feels like a cig trust me you don't want it, look forward to joining you all on board tomorrow:)...
Last few cigs : Thought I would put a quick... - No Smoking Day
Last few cigs

Welcome Nohassel ....
Your on your way to being smoke free. When you wake, celebrate and never look back. We will be here for you

Hey Nohassel, great to see you back on here, just quickly popped in and wanted to wish you the best for tomorrow, you can do this, as you smoke your last cigs tonight read up as much as you can on quitting and the addiction, re-read our pinned posts here. And before you head off up to bed, get rid of all - ashtrays, lighters etc....
Have had a hectic few days but will be back here tomorrow and will be looking forward to reading you Day 1 post
Thanks roisin, its really nice to be welcomed back! yeah its going to be fun, haha ive defenetly learned a lot though through past failed attempts so can only hope I use that to make me stronger this time round I defenetly want to be free from cigarettes and ultimately be a healthier happier person all round, just got to put words in actions now
hope all is well with you, will post soon, take care...

Nohassel ...good !! on the way to start a new will enjoy it if you want it ...Strongs !!

Hi Nohassel, missed you at the weekend but just popped in to say I hope it's going OK for you today.
Cheers nozmo, yeah not been a bad first day tbh been pretty busy with work so that's helped keep my mind of smoking, absolutely shattered now though! Haha..
You can do it Nohassel!!!!!

Hey Nohassel , waiting on your Day 1 post Hope things are going ok for you?
Yeah pretty good day roisin tbh ended up buying 3 large bags of sweets from shop this morning before work hahaha so that kept my cravings at bay might not do my teeth any good though haha, overall pretty good day though considering, just got to push on now

Welcome (back) Nohassel , hope Day 2 is going ok for you?