Tips on controlling weight please, please - No Smoking Day

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Tips on controlling weight please, please

Tracey3 profile image
Tracey31 Year Smoke Free
6 Replies

I'ts not possible for me not to go to a gym, as excessive and my condition don't mix, I do walk a little, and have a dance or two. But those moments munchies are kicking in, big time

Any ideas would be a gr at help

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Tracey3 profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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6 Replies
RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Hey Tracey, it is perfectly normal to gain weight when we quit smoking, average weight gain is 11lbs within the first year of stopping, so don't worry too much about it, as can deal with it when you are more settled in your quit.

I consciously avoided sugary foods in my quit as researched they can trigger cravings along with caffeine, so I bought myself a water juicer bottle where you can put whatever fruit you like in the bottom of it and top up with water throughout the day (for some reason, I cannot copy and paste anything on this new forum to show you a picture of it). From January, I started taking the water with lemon, mint and cucumber and love it and is also good for the metabolism!

Eat plenty of fruit and veg and if you can, try and go for a 20 minute walk a day.

You say you like to dance, what about a new hobby of going to dancing classes, went to salsa a few years ago and it was very enjoyable...

Tracey3 profile image
Tracey31 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thanks not sure can do 20 min walk, but guessing lots of raw fruit and veg will only help, I can't physically affor to gain weight. So bit of a concern, I quit for over a year, and gained so much weight. Was always starving lol


ToniR profile image

My view on this probably isn't a popular one I'm afraid. Just because people usually put on weight when quitting doesn't mean it's a necessity, the issue is the same as smoking, it's all in the mind. We eat because there's an empty feeling, a hole inside us that we're trying to fill, we're not any hungrier than before. And our metabolism slows as well so even more reason to eat better not worse. Everytime I reach for food I ask myself, would I have eaten this if I was still a smoker? And the answer is no. Ideally try to eat exactly what you did when you were a smoker, possibly less but definitely not more. And use cigarette break times to go for a quick walk somewhere, it helps with cravings and with weight, win win.

An additional danger to look out for, and I know because I've done it and so has my dad, which is gaining weight and then feeling that the only way to lose it is to start smoking again.

Eating is a habit as much as smoking is so try to get into good habits now whilst you're focusing on your health!

Hope that helps and sorry if it's not the most sympathetic view! Variety is the spice of life lol 😊

Toni x

Tracey3 profile image
Tracey31 Year Smoke Free in reply to ToniR

This is indeed a different point of view, but I soooooo remember eating for England in my previous quit, I will give this some thought. As you may have a point

May be lots to of water management help


philly123 profile image
philly123 in reply to ToniR

hi i stopped smoking 6 months ago.iv gained tons of weight i wont even stand on scales im so embarrest ,i have started a diet gave mtself 6 months to loose all the weight so in total one year for off fags and loose the weight iv set a goal and hope i can stick by it well to be honest the hardest part was giving up smoking iv smoked for 40 years i used the gum for 2 wks and got sick of the gum and just beared it down with nicotine with drawels it lasted abot a wk the craving then it got easier but not saying the loning do be there for fag but i fight it my home smells fresher more money in my purse and it feels good all round now to tackle my weight good luck to thoes who gave up or thinking of giving up keep positive and if u fall jump up agan never say never. x

Hiya mate.

Sorry no help from me on weight.

I have a thyroid problem and I could eat for Britten and not put anything on.

I would probably munch on fruit.keep clear of chocolate

Mmm chocolate ha

Sorry again.

You take care

Keep kicking

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