Willpower Gone .......: and determination did... - No Smoking Day

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Willpower Gone .......

Trasha profile image
Trasha1000 Days Smoke Free
18 Replies

and determination did a runner.

So sorry friends. I had a particularly stressful day yesterday fighting the cravings, and as if that wasn't enough, my kitchen tap broke last night so no water until Monday when I can get a plumber. Nerves caved in and I smoked! Darn this is hard.

Thank you all for your support so far. Hopefully I'll speak to you all soon when I've had a few lengthy words with myself. Hope a hiccup is acceptable.

Best wishes to you all, especially the newbies. Don't fold like me.

Roisin, keep up your good work. You're a star.

Written by
Trasha profile image
1000 Days Smoke Free
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18 Replies
Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

Sorry to hear that Trasha but you have done the right thing by posting about it. I've had six or seven hiccups in my quitting career so you will get no criticism from me...or anyone else I imagine.

Try to get back into your quit as soon as possible before the cigs take a hold...and keep posting. If you keep on trying you'll get there! Best wishes.

Mike2015rulz profile image

Don't get down on yourself it has happened to everyone that has had the guts to try to quit. What counts is what happens now !! Don't let that one slip keep you down !! Keep fighting & good luck.


I was into 8-9 days had a crappy day at work bought 10 fags.smoked one.felt quilt.within 2 hours I decided.it did not stop my stress.it did not help me.i always assumed fags were my crutches'.but there my ball and chain.

I placed 7 fags in bin.not my bin a bin in shopping centre.

That was 3 weeks ago.i have not had the thoughts again I really want to be free.

Keep trying.you know when your ready.

Take care

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Ah Trasha, set yourself a new quit as soon as and get back on track, you now know how you feel having that one and what you need to do (always remember, if at first you don't succeed, try and try again....). See you soon....we will be ready and waiting....

runmeg profile image
runmeg3 Years Smoke Free

Hi i quit on the 8th Feb and then had a pathetic week from 3rd march to 9th March where I caved in and smoked an average of 2/3 cigs a day - since then I havent touched one cig and I have had no cravings, today I went to the pub with th OH and he has gone back to smoking and I stood firm and let him go out for a cig and I stayed in the pub, so please dont be hard on yourself - I smoked and accepted I did and then moved forward, it may be cheating however I was a 30 a day smoker for 30 years so I still count my quit date as 8th Feb ( ignoring the blip in between for 5 days )

How do you feel now.hope your ok.

I know how you feel.if were all honest we've all been there.

You chill.take care.and Try Again.

Trasha profile image
Trasha1000 Days Smoke Free

Thank you all so much for your supportive replies. I don't deserve it, I let me down too.

Think I need to get a parrot. He only needs to say one word.....'Don't'

See you all again. X

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Trasha

Yes, you do deserve it Trasha, it is an addiction and like all addictions it is horrendous to beat, everything happens for a reason and we don't know why, you will beat it....

Yvette2016 profile image
Yvette20163 Years Smoke Free

No criticism from me ..it's a blip. Dust yourself down and try again . Everyone loves a tryer...you will get there xxx

Been there so many times. You get to eventually realise however that smoking solves nothing. It just makes problems worse. My advise is to quit again immediately. Go cold turkey, get the nicotine out of your system within 72 hours. Then read up on whyquit.com. You have to understand the withdrawal process to be able to cope with it. The more relapses you have the more experience you gain and the better you will handle withdrawal symptoms down the line. Hope you get back to being smoke free!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to

Great advice there Simon...

Hiya trasha.

Where are you.

How you feeling.hope your well

Keep posting.even if its just to say hi.

Let us know what your upto.

Take care

(my signature) keep kicking

Trasha profile image
Trasha1000 Days Smoke Free in reply to

Hiya Lizzie, you won't believe that this is my third attempt at replying to you. I'm on my Tablet and each time I go to hit 'submit', it disappears.

I'm a Manxie, from the Isle of Man.

I'm still following all of your posts, so that in itself tells me that I really will beat the demon, hopefully soon. I have cut down greatly since joining the group. I take that as a good sign. But I'll know when.

So sorry that you had a bad day at work. Try to act your normal self on Monday so that it let's the two mares know that they haven't got to you.

Best wishes and keep up your good work with the dreaded cigs.

in reply to Trasha


Glad to hear from you.

I think we all have had a few hiccups finding our way around new site.

You keep in touch.keep reading posts.

I'm sure over years of me "stoping smoking" and several fails.reading has sort of braiwashed myselth.

I know its my time

And your time will come😤

It looks like it may be a nice day.

Go for a walk.

I may go to Bridlington with ma grandchildren.

P s. When I'm not sure of something.or I say or do something funny.i call it a Dizzy moment (name on last forum)

Well I'm having dizzy moment

What is Manxie.

Is it foootball related? 😒 ha

Take care

Trasha profile image
Trasha1000 Days Smoke Free in reply to

Hi Lizzy. Thanks for your reply.

Manxie - It's a person who was born and lives on the Isle of Man. It's not a good day here. Lots of sea mist. Anyway, I have to visit a friend who is having computer problems. I'm not a geek, but my late (lovely) husband taught me a few things.

You have a good day and keep up being positive. My day will come.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Trasha

Great to see your post Trasha, we are having glorious weather at the moment, long me last, as off for a week from Wednesday for Easter....

Agree with Hercu and everyone else, set your new date for as soon as, you can do it and will have the support from everyone here who will all be rooting for you. You brought and bring so much to the forum, come back, we will do it together...

PS Sorry to read of your late husband, I am sure he will be looking down on you and your right it is a great sign that you are still on the forum, means you have that determination in you....

Teric profile image

Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and get back on that quit.

Just a blip, don't let it grow.

And don't beat yourself up, we've all been there.


Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Trasha...Good advise above...Don't wait to long and get back on there....We all want you here with us ...Strongs !!!

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