New years quitter - Day Three - the Worst !! - No Smoking Day

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New years quitter - Day Three - the Worst !!

nsd_user663_64564 profile image

Hi all,

I stumbled across this website by accident - I quit at 3am on the 1st of January , call it new years resolution, I don't know what to do with my hands, over and above that I keep reaching for the smokes and ashtray.

My patience seems to be getting rather "SHORT" and getting irritated with the silliest things - more that once I have been tempted to go to the kitchen cupboard and open a pack and have a smoke.

From what I have read, 54 hours in my body is totally free of nicotine and that the craves and "withdrawls" are at their peak.

Please tell me day 4 is better!!

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24 Replies

From what I have been reading they say the terrible three's (3 hours - 3 days and then 3 years ) I am on day 3!, if day three is the worst of the quitting process -hmpfff I think I should have this licked in no time at all!!

Sure I am craving and moody and I have a sense of continual anxiousness -but it is not something I cant handle

On day 3 too. But not cold turkey. I have a patch for wearing during the day and the lowest dose e-cig. Woken up this morning with a headache and very grumpy. Have quit for around 3 months before, in previous experience once the first week is out of the way it gets easier. Loving the fresh breath tho :)

GrahamA profile image
GrahamA3 Years Smoke Free

Hi Both. I haven't tried cold turkey, so can't confirm how it works using that method, but in general, yes, on day 3 the physical withdrawals are at their peak, and will tail off. After that, the mind-games begin: 'Just one won't hurt', 'I will be a social smoker', 'I will reward myself for doing so well with a cigarette', 'When I feel better about myself and my situation, then I will commit fully to this.' etc.

For nearly all former regular smokers, just one will hurt, and will reawaken the nicotinoid receptors in your brain to expect reward, and to kick up a stink if they don't get it!

The best advice people gave me when I stopped was to take it one day at a time - just commit to not smoking the current day, and let the future take care of itself. Also, time does heal, and after a while you will be thinking about smoking less and less.

Some good posts are available on the link below:

Good luck.

Thanks, for the feedback !

@ Jtrock "Hang in there" we in the same boat LOL

@ Graham thanks for the links to all those post!! what an awesome read!

I am sooo glad I stumbled across this site

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Welcome Gazza & Jtrocks and well done on making the best decision of your lives to quit!

I quit cold turkey almost 4 months ago and what I found that got me through the first month was keeping myself very busy, staying close to the forum and post as often as needed, read up what is going on both physically and mentally. Just take one day at a time and that will soon changes to weeks, then months and so on. I also think it is very important to be only surrounded by positive people and get loads of support. Wishing you both every success and look forward to reading your progress, below is what to expect over the next couple of weeks:

Withdrawal in the First Two Weeks

Because the first two weeks are so critical in determining quitting failure rates, smokers should not be shy about seeking all the help they can during this period.

Withdrawal symptoms begin as soon as four hours after the last cigarette, generally peak in intensity at three to five days, and disappear after two weeks. They include both physical and mental symptoms.

Physical Symptoms.

During the quitting process people should consider the following physical symptoms of withdrawal as they were recuperating from a disease and treat them accordingly as they would any physical symptoms:

· Tingling in the hands and feet

· Sweating

· Intestinal disorders (cramps, nausea)

· Headache

· Cold symptoms as the lungs begin to clear (sore throats, coughing, and other signs of colds and respiratory problem)

The first few weeks after quitting smoking are usually the most difficult and it's safe to say that it normally takes at least 8-12 weeks before a person starts to feel comfortable with their new lifestyle change of being an ex-smoker.

Withdrawal from nicotine, an addictive drug found in tobacco, is characterized by symptoms that include headache, anxiety, nausea and a craving for more tobacco. Nicotine creates a chemical dependency, so that the body develops a need for a certain level of nicotine at all times. Unless that level is maintained, the body will begin to go through withdrawal similar to alcohol addiction withdrawal. For tobacco users trying to quit, symptoms of withdrawal from nicotine are unpleasant and stressful, but only temporary. Most withdrawal symptoms peak 48 hours after you quit and are completely gone in six months.

Mental and Emotional Symptoms.

Tension and craving build up during periods of withdrawal, sometimes to a nearly intolerable point. One European study found that the incidence of workplace accidents increases on No Smoking Day, a day in which up to 2 million smokers either reduce the amount they smoke or abstain altogether.

Nearly every moderate to heavy smoker experiences more than one of the following strong emotional and mental responses to withdrawal.

· Feelings of being an infant: temper tantrums, intense needs, feelings of dependency, a state of near paralysis.

· Insomnia

· Mental confusion

· Vagueness

· Irritability

· Anxiety

· Depression is common in the short and long term. In the short term it may mimic the feelings of grief felt when a loved one is lost. As foolish as it sounds, a smoker should plan on a period of actual mourning in order to get through the early withdrawal depression.

One hour at the time and slowly start counting the days...before you notice you'll be counting weeks...

I remember reading about a glass of water for the cravings and thinking it was just a load of *****

4 months later I can confirm that it does work.

Buckets of water. My favourite is warm water with lemon juice - absolutely disgusting lol

...but it works :)

Be kind to yourself, be gentle, be nice to yourself.

You need peace & need time for yourself... Read, research... Drink water and be patient... Allow the time to go stress

Most of all, if I can do can too...believe in yourself!

Thank you all so much ! for all the support and encouragement , finding it extremely hard in the late hours of day 3 craving like mad and I am so irritable , the smallest thing sets me off!

I find my self trying to justify having a "Puff" but yea that would be suicide *SIGH*

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to nsd_user663_64564

Gazza, just keep telling yourself these feelings will pass and won't kill you, whereas having that one puff can potentially do it! You can do this, stay strong! Post as often you need to here to vent, thats what it is for.....

Hey, that's what I meant by be gentle to yourself.

Be selfish now, you come first. This is your time, you do whatever you need to do to get through it.

I have 2 kids and I just couldn't cope with them and my partner around because I was going bunkers!

Almost felt like I was in fact creating an argument in order to have an excuse to go and have just one.

I spent a lot of time upstairs in my bedroom lying in bed with a big glass of water with lemon or camomile tea and my laptop... Mostly researching, posting here and on my own, waiting for the hours to go past.

Stay strong.

All is normal. We've all gone through that process and it's rotten. By far the most difficult task I ever completed, but very worth every second of suffering.

Read / post / water :)

Welcome from one new years day quitter to another two. One of the best pieces of advice that I got on this brilliant site was NOPE (Not One Puff Ever) It became my mantra when I became tempted to think that just one would be OK. It never is. The only thing a cigarette will do is make you crave the next one, that's how this awful vicious circle started in the first place.

Have you written down your reasons for quitting? I know it sounds a bit weird but seeing them in black and white really helped me when I got tempted. The health and wealth angles are obvious but one of my stranger reasons to quit was the dread of going somewhere new for a day out. You don't know when or where you'll be able to smoke and it made me realise what a sad little addict I was. Hated myself for dreading a day that was supposed to be fun.

Think about smoking, read about smoking, educate yourself about smoking JUST don't smoke.

Really struggling now!! :(

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to nsd_user663_64566

Hey Jtrocks, stay strong, it does get easier, post to vent your frustration to get you through the cravings as often as you need, will stay online here for a couple of hours, you are almost over the worst of the physical withdrawals, hang in there...

I remember this feeling. It got to the point where I was sat in my living room literally pulling out my hair in frustration. I read somewhere that after 3 weeks, you start doing the talking rather than the cravings so I said to myself if I can make it to three weeks and I still want to smoke then I will. Turns out whatever I read was true, around the 10 day mark it started to get a lot easier. Just think of it, only a week to go, if you can make if through this point you are halfway there!

8:48 pm and still nicotine free, being able to post and read replies throughout the day has been a godsend

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to nsd_user663_64564

Well done Gazza, you are doing great, keep it up!

Thanks for all the support they weren't Joking when they said day 3 is "BAD"

Day 4 seems much better see you all in the day 4-7 room

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Gassa ... Welcome and yes, I believed in the magic threes... 3 hours...3 Days ... 3 Months.. and then 3 the big milestones.

After 72 hours all the Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide is removed from your body and as you said day 4 is easier.. Stay strong and hang in there...The smoke free life is good !!!!!

Hey guys. Well done to you!

Day 4 for me. Still on the vape low dose and patches. More colour in my cheeks/skin.

Really struggling again- especially after a meal. Managed to have tea and coffee okay with minor cravings but the food is a struggle!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to nsd_user663_64566

Well done Jtrocks, it will get easier, I promise, remember its all habit, after a meal, try to get a new habit, maybe clear the table and wash up your dishes straight away or cut up some frui,t anything to try and break the habit of that smoke which only lasted a couple of minutes anyway and before you know it, the craving will have passed.

Stick with it JT, may I ask what is the "vape"

Well done guys. Also finding that I'm wanting healthier foods too!

A vape is an electronic nicotine replacement device which is a great substitute for the hand to mouth action. You can buy different liquids and different strengths to use. Lots are just flavoured and don't actually contain nicotine at all.

Day 5 - back to the office job today. Aaahhh

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to nsd_user663_64566

Wishing you a good day back at work smoke free Jtrocks! It is a good feeling especially when you see smokers going out and coming back in all smelly and cold! That is one thing I found at work when I first quit, the smell of smokers made me feel sick and couldn't believe I used to be like that!

I found that the days until I went back to work were OK. Day 4 was the day I arrived back at work this year and it was the worst for me. I cried at least 10 times and felt sick and fed up. I remembered a small packet of tobacco in my car. I walked out of the office and into my car, about to roll a fag. I didn't and I threw it away I was so proud. Day 5 is a hell of a lot better! I am not craving that much, but I feel extremely down. You have to experience the things that trigger the cravings, certain places, certain times and routines. It's easy if you hide away from all of those triggers, but you can't forever! Just go for it!

Maybe we need to start a New years 2016 group?

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