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No Smoking Day

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Back again.Day 1 starts now

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

Hello Folks,

I have quit before for 18 months. 7 months was cold turkey and the rest was using an ecig. Someone on here said be careful of ecig's and I understand why now, it got to the point I was puffing a lot more than I would smoke and I got bad back acne which I think was from the ejuice. so I started smoking....back acne cleared up but here I am today. I quit cold turkey again for a week back in August and done 8 days on 1st of October using an ecig.

The problem has been im in my final year at uni studying nursing, which is very stressful. I was reluctant to give up thinking how will I cope? I remembered I quit before in my first year and that year I got better grades than in my second year smoking an ecig...weird ay! Also, it struck me that a lot of the stress in placements comes from not being able to go for a smoke when I crave one, it makes my concentration harder and I know I probably don't learn as much because of this little nagging voice. so....where is the problem? the problem is being brave enough to tough out the first 3 weeks so I can then enjoy the rest of my life with peace and my full cognition back.

So here I am. taking control of the situation and preparing to thug it out for a few painful weeks KNOWING from experience it gets better and it really is better. My moto last time, and this time is 'NO MATTER WHAT NO CIGARETTES'. I found this really helped, as I told myself I can do anything I want to deal with ever im feeling, but no matter what a cigarette is not an option anymore. worst is 24 hours, as you kind of feel you haven't done enough time yet and you can smoke still - its the biggest psychological battle during first 24 hours for sure. anyways im waffling now. I just want to be honest with myself and the world.

Good luck fellow fresh quitters :)

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8 Replies

Hey Nikky! Welcome back, one answer for you: Loser is not the one that tried and the one that didn't even try afraid of failing. I've failed too many times but I know that I will win because I never stop trying. You know the drill, daily posts and Good luck! Xx

Yup exactly, better to try than not ever bother or you will never know! :) thank you x

I can tell you what I've done differently this time and it's working really well for me

I've realised that I have a serious addition, it's a mental disease and deserves the time to heal

I've told my boss that I am starting a serious treatment, no details abt what, but made it clear that I cannot be exposed to stressful situations, made it clear that if they didn't relieve the stress I would go on medical leave. Informed my partner and children that if they didn't let me be, literally leave me alone...I would catch a plane and go away, they've been behaving like angels. After that, no caffeine, no sweets, no junk, many long walks and water. Camomile tea is actually amazing to keep you calm. I'm taking the champix but reduced the dose to half. I'm walking away from any situation that gets my heart beat up. Deep breaths, many of them! I hope this quit will be your last, because quitting sucks!

You have done the most important thing, never quit quitting. You can beat this :)

I can tell you what I've done differently this time and it's working really well for me

I've realised that I have a serious addition, it's a mental disease and deserves the time to heal

I've told my boss that I am starting a serious treatment, no details abt what, but made it clear that I cannot be exposed to stressful situations, made it clear that if they didn't relieve the stress I would go on medical leave. Informed my partner and children that if they didn't let me be, literally leave me alone...I would catch a plane and go away, they've been behaving like angels. After that, no caffeine, no sweets, no junk, many long walks and water. Camomile tea is actually amazing to keep you calm. I'm taking the champix but reduced the dose to half. I'm walking away from any situation that gets my heart beat up. Deep breaths, many of them! I hope this quit will be your last, because quitting sucks!

This post really resonated with me, especially realising you have a serious addiction as I have found coming to terms with the same thing very helpful to. To be honest one of my main reasons for quitting is I hate having an addiction that I NEED to feed and plan around. Last night I had my last cigarette at 20.00 and by 22.30 I was very the withdrawal pangs and I said to myself 'my god, you are that addicted that in two hours your craving so bad its effecting you mentally' and I realised how bad the addiction was. waking up this morning was a mental battle. Getting ready and having that little argument in my head, I cant remember what I told myself but my mental state shifted and I became happy and hopeful in my withdrawal. Like Allen Carr says 'think yippee I don't have to smoke anymore' and it was that simple. I have a hotel booked with friends in December and my goal is to wake up in that hotel and smile in the fact I no longer have to satisfy overnight withdrawal, head outside looking like shit in the middle of London and light up a dirty fag. I can lay in bed with my coffee and relax for 5 minutes. A true addict will understand how magical that would be.

Mmaya, your doing the right thing putting yourself first. You know what you need right now and good for you for being assertive. ill second the camomile tea, im drinking it constantly haha xx

...just keep going one hour after the other after the other...for the first 10 days I was always constantly thinking about the cigarettes, I didn't want to smoke at all but the thought didn't leave me. After day 10, I realised I was going through hours without even thinking about it

After 20 days I was getting only a few serious thoughts a day, maybe 2. When a situation is arising... Walk away immediately, you are not emotionally prepared to deal with it yet. Last week (4) I was going through 2 days without even thinking abt it at all. Good luck, it gets easier, you just have to wait. Pretend that there is a bag of gold at the end of the quit, might help you ;)

wow that's quite quick I think to go two days at a time not thinking about it, sounds like heaven!!!! :) my aim is December 7th, waking up in my hotel a non smoker. At the moment im curious to how the me in the future will feel that morning. 7 weeks and 3 days till that date, by the sounds of It I will be feeling fab!!! xx :)

CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor

Best of luck Nikki, keep at it. And yes be careful of ecigs. I think they have their purpose but the goal is to be free of any nicotine. I used ecigs to wind down before I quit and I thought that was useful. I use a zero nicotine one now to occupy my hands when people around me are smoking.

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